Our son asked us if we would be willing to come up to Saratoga Springs and watch our granddaughter for a few days as he was unable to get extra holiday time off due to starting a new job. Of course, we said we would, but rather than sitting around his house, trying to keep Emma entertained, we decided to introduce her to something her grandparents enjoy doing . . . exploring a new place! Since none of us had been to Antelope Island, and we were curious about it, we set out on a road trip to visit this unique Island.
We have arrived . . . or so we thought! |
We didn't realize that we had a seven-mile causeway to cross before we arrived (Well, maybe we vaguely remembered, but we always thought it came in from the south and not the north) |
We are looking back at the causeway we just took from the "mainland" (Quite an interesting history of this land bridge . . . probably the most amazing was that, in past years of heavy snowpack, that the waters of the Great Salt Lake actually flooded over the dike and road) |
Looking north across the Great Salt Lake . . . nice reflection of the snow covered mountains |
First up is the Lady Finger Point Trail |
This was a short, but fun trail! Emma enjoyed locating the different paths that wound through the craggy rocks |
Standing on top of one of the many rock formations |
Not sure what this post (and others not pictured) were doing out on this point . . . Maybe an old observation platform or possibly a dock when the Lake's waters were higher?? |
Looking back east at the Wasatch Front . . . Hard to believe that there is a massive city located between the Lake and the mountains! |
Emma enjoyed scaling all the rocks
After leaving Lady Finger Point trailhead and heading for Buffalo Point Trail, we came across these bison that have made the island famous for their annual Fall roundup |
Next up . . . Buffalo Point Trail |
Heading up the mile long trail that had about 250 ft of elevation gain |
Up on top . . . with more rocks for Emma to explore |
We surprised a covey of about 20 chukars . . . this is the first time we've ever seen one |
Heading back down . . . someone is hungry! |
We were surprised to see such high mountains on this island |
Almost back . . . did we mention that someone was hungry? (We spent the next half hour trying to find some snacks, but grandpa had said "don't pack any, we won't need them." It didn't help that there weren't any available in the Park) |
As we were leaving the Park (to find some lunch), we stopped to admire Mt. Frary (6,596ft) . . . There is a 6.5 mile (r/t) trail to the top that has 2,100 ft of elevation gain and an 1892 benchmark . . . Looks like we'll be making another trip back, in the early spring, to hike this interesting looking peak! |
As we were leaving the Park, Allison was surprised to find a "Raising Cane's" restaurant just ten miles down the road in Layton . . . we have always wanted to try this chain out. We had trouble keeping Emma awake on the way . . . but "bobble head" made it and was thankful for a good meal. As we headed back to Saratoga Springs, someone, passed out very quickly and we enjoyed a quiet ride home . . . ah, we love it when a plan works to perfection!