This was one of those "memorable hikes!" Not so much for the scenery (which was truly outstanding), but for the ordeal we put ourselves through to get to the top of three different peaks. We will remember this June day for our bushwhacking through scrub oak, traversing over mountain mahogany, avoiding spiny cactus, a relentless sun and running out of water. If this sounds appealing to you, then you've found the right post for a truly grueling hike! In reality, there is a sense of accomplishment that we actually made it and will live to see another day . . . not that we are exaggerating or anything . . . but this was one tough hike that we were glad to see come to an end!
The Strawberry Moon was still high in the sky, early Saturday morning, as we headed out |
A scenic five-mile drive on the Kolob Canyons Road took us to the Timber Creek Overlook Trail parking area (Getting here early provided us with cooler temperatures and a place to park before the crowds arrive) |
We weren't expecting this much bushwhacking |
It was slow going . . . breaks were a must
We are headed for Peak 6965 (This picture gives one a good idea of the magnitude of the oak thickets) |
At times there was no way around the scrub oak |
It took us a little over an hour to reach the top of Peak 6965 . . . We are already feeling tired and we have two more peaks to go! |
Pace Knoll is next . . . then Peak 6336 . . . both look so far away! |
Ferris' Sandwort |
More bushwhacking . . . It was exhausting and unrelenting . . . especially in the heat! |
It was nice to finally have slabs of sandstone to walk on! |
Allison took a scary tumble here on our way to Peak 6965 Kent & Tom are looking for her wristwatch that came off in the fall . . . Tom found it! |
Finally, off the ridge and on our way to Pace Knoll (Pace Knoll is the mesa in the center of the picture) |
Our destination is just up ahead . . . so close, yet so far away |
When planning this hike, Kent could see this slab of yellow sandstone on Google Earth . . . Tom and Allison used it as a ramp to get them on top (Kent's leg was beginning to give out, so he waited at the bottom for them to return) |
Tom & Allison are standing in the Blackridge Wilderness area . . . With the exception of a small portion, most of Pace Knoll is located in this wilderness . . . To the east of this Boundary Marker, is Kolob Canyons of Zion National Park |
Pieces of petrified wood were scattered in places |
After meeting back up with Kent we began working our way back towards Peak 6336
We took many short breaks under any shade we could find . . . it was hot and we were almost out of water (Looks as if Kent is wiping sweat away from his face with Tom's shirt . . . not to worry . . . that wasn't the case!) |
We were hoping this was a running spring . . . But, alas, there was no water for us to filter! |
One last 400 ft push to the top of Peak 6336 . . . It doesn't look too steep from this angle, but the picture is deceiving |
Here's a better idea of how steep this little ridge truly was It was not easy . . . we were exhausted . . . but determined to finish this hike! |
We have never been so happy to see a trail at the end of a hike! This is the Timber Creek Mountain Overlook Trail and Peak 6336 . . . It will lead us back to our vehicles! |
As we look back on this post, and the pictures that Allison took, it reminds us of the beautiful landscape that is almost literally in our backyard . . . people travel from all over the world to see what we have available to us everyday. Too bad we didn't take the time to enjoy what often became mundane on our desire to just complete the hike! If you are interested in seeing our route, Tom has provided a topo map and GPS tracks on his post. You can find them by clicking