Saturday, October 14, 2023

Total Annular Eclipse

When we made plans to hike Mt. Washington, a month ago, we didn't know that an Annular Solar eclipse was going to occur on the morning of our hike.  When we found out, that not only was it occurring, but that we would be in the direct path of the eclipse, we were excited to add this phenomenon to our agenda.  What a great added bonus this turned out to be for all of us!  Honestly, we weren't expecting it to be this impressive and thoroughly enjoyed this spectacular solar event!

We awoke to a beautiful sunrise over Mt. Washington
Yep, it's going to be a special morning!

At 8:07 we put on our eclipse party glasses! 

October just feels like the perfect month for an eclipse

Halfway there!

9:45 - It started to look and feel like an overcast day as the moon blocked the sun

¾ of the way

It's getting closer!

Ezy dog isn't sure what all the fuss is about, he's says a party should have treats!
(10:27 - Notice how the lighting has changed from the first picture of us viewing the sun)

The Ring of Fire!
Very cool!

The moon is moving out of the way

We only have to wait until October 2041 to see this happen again!

Now it's time to head up Mt. Washington
 We are in search of this famous Bristlecone tree that is featured on the 2013 Great Basin quarter 

Thanks for the show Mr. Moon & Mr. Sun!  It was great to be in a remote part of Nevada, with some close friends, to enjoy this unique celestial event.  We don't know what was more special     . . . the events or the friends.  No need to choose . . . both were very special!