Friday, September 15, 2023

Benson Creek Falls

We have traveled Parowan Canyon many times over the years enroute to several of our adventures.  Often times we have noticed cars at a pullout about halfway up the canyon and wondered, “What’s the big attraction?”  After doing some research we learned that this area is known as Hidden Haven and that there is a nice waterfall located nearby on Benson Creek.  Even with knowing all this we never took the time to pull over and check the area out!  Today was to be different . . . we were going to be one of those cars in the pullout and we were going to find out “what all the hype” was about.

The Hidden Haven Trail will lead us to Benson Creek Falls . . .
The entire trail was well marked with these signs . . . if you have the time, consider doing the entire loop

Benson Creek begins flowing from below the Thunder Ridge Scout Camp about 3 1/2 miles from here  

There was a variety of mushrooms sprouting up in the shaded sections of the forest

This colorful American Dagger Moth Caterpillar was easy to spot . . .
Look, but don't touch!  Toxins stored inside the hairs can cause a stinging sensation 

One of many mini waterfalls enroute to the main fall . . .
Much of this portion of the trail involves walking up the streambed

Water was seeping out of the sandstone walls . . .
It resembled a smaller version of Zions Weeping Rock

We have arrived!
Benson Falls cascades about 43 ft to the canyon floor . . .
Many canyoneers like to rappel the upper narrows and use the Falls as their exit

We met a nice couple from Parowan 
Thank you Barry & Charlene for taking our picture!

Okay, Kent is a little guy . . .  but this is a big tree!
Too bad recent flash floods have eroded it's root base and caused it to fall over

There were a few obstacles to maneuver over, both in and out of the final segment

On the hike out we took the loop trail that lead us up to the Mineral Ridge viewpoint

The view from Mineral Ridge looking back toward Parowan . . .
We think the "nipply" knob, in the center, is Valentine Peak . . . another good hike!

Heading back for the main trail . . . It was a perfect day for a hike

Colorful Fleabane

A Sickener Mushroom

If you have the need for an amphitheater, there's a good chance you'll have this one all to yourself!

There are two bridges along the trail . . . this one crosses Parowan Creek

The Hidden Haven Trail is easy to follow . . .
 There are some portions along the creek that have been damaged by flash floods . . .
These floods were the result of recent forest fires in the Brian Head area

The Autumnal Equinox is just one week away,
 but these Mountain Maples are already starting to change 

This hike is only about two miles round-trip.  Don't let that deter you from bypassing (like we did) this short trek along some babbling brooks to a hidden waterfall.  Consider taking a couple of hours out of your day to relax and get outdoors . . . we think you'll enjoy it as much as we did!