Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Twelve Mile Camp - Day 2

We decided, late last night, after dinner that we would use Day Two to explore some new roads.  One of the things John & Mary enjoy about the Wasatch Plateau are the abundance of roads that are open and accessible with their side-by-sides.  We also wanted to incorporate some fishing along the way by visiting several small ponds that lay alongside our loosely planned routes.  It certainly is a good feeling when your plans come together even better than you expected - I'm not sure we could have had a better day!

Allison's favorite camping breakfast . . . scrambled egg whites with cheese

We spotted this doe with her fawn on our way to Deep Lake

We have arrived at Deep Lake
We are so grateful that John & Mary brought their side-by-sides . . . 
There was no way we would have brought our Tacoma on any of these roads!

John had fun with his fly rod

He also had great success . . . a nice Rainbow trout!
Mary raced over to capture the moment . . . such a cute couple!

Then it was Mary's turn . . . this big Rainbow made her work for it! 

This Dragonfly kept hovering near us

Allison and her Deep Lake catch of the day!

A nice Rainbow for Kent!

Then it was off to explore a series of three small ponds simply known as WPA Ponds
(We assume they were created by the Works Progress Administration sometime in the mid 1930's)

Here, the first pond is framed by the Western Salsify's that were in full bloom

A beautiful spiderweb shining in the sun!

Mary & Allison were looking for beavers but spotted these muskrats instead! 

There's a first for everything . . . ever heard of a Police Car Moth? Now you have!

Mt. Baldy makes a nice reflection in this WPA pond
(Notice the fish rising on the pond)

It didn't take long for Kent to reel in this Brook trout

A beautiful spot . . . the logs appear to act as a dam to filter the water before it heads downstream 

We drove miles of roads . . . this section looked challenging . . . but Mary made it look easy!
(Now you can see why we didn't want to bring our truck on these "roads")

Later in the afternoon we checked out Julius Flat Reservoir
When we didn't see any fish rising, we were sort of discouraged

However, the stream flowing from the reservoir looked interesting
Interesting seems to be an understatement . . . it was a "mecca" for some beautiful Cutthroat's

Allison pulled out 10 Cutthroat trout!
  We released all of them, but Allison kept Kent busy baiting and releasing her catch . . .
It was a lot of fun for both of us!

We had so much fun exploring today
 Now it's time to relax & enjoy the sunset from our camp spot