Thursday, July 7, 2022

Bunker Creek Loop

Two years ago we spent an afternoon fishing Bunker Creek.  While exploring this area we came across the Bunker Creek Trail at the end-of-the-road.  This planted a "seed" in Kent's mind about a possible loop hike that would take us up the Right Fork of Bunker Creek to the Sidney Peak Overlook and then return by going down the Left Fork of Bunker Creek.

Without much else on the agenda, and wanting to get out of the Hurricane Valley heat, we decided to get this trail off Kent's bucket list!  Tom didn't have much else planned, so he and "The Crew," who all needed some exercise, decided to join us.  We're glad they did, as this turned out to be an enjoyable hike.

Both the Right and Left Fork trails start at the end of the Bunker Creek Road

We got an early start hoping to finish the hike before the mountain bikers hit the trail . . .
This was a good plan, as we didn't encounter anyone during the hike

We spooked up this mama grouse and her brood . . . they spooked us, too! 

We saw several deer along the trail . . . looks like they use these trails, as well

The Right Fork of Bunker Creek . . . refreshing! 

Much of the hike is through the Brian Head burn scar from 2017 . . . 
This hasn't stopped the mountain bikers from maintaining a nice trail

It was peaceful walking among the aspens that survived the devastating fire

Most people reach the Sidney Valley Overlook by car or OHV . . . we hiked to it! 
A week ago today we hiked into Hendrickson Lake using the Dark Hollow Trail

As we were sitting at the Overlook, we spotted this small white airplane . . .
It got lower as it circled over Hendrickson Lake . . .
 To our surprise, it did an aerial fish drop! How cool was that!   

Heading back down the Left Fork Trail of Bunker Creek . . .
See that little peak in front of us? 

When you hike with a peakbagger, sometimes you have to remind them we need to "grab" a peak!
This one had no name or number, so Tom ended up calling it Sidney Valley Overlook Peak (10,600 ft)

Up on top we had great views . . .
There's no telling what Kent is pointing at, the Overlook?
Tom seems to be confused by Kent's directions, as well!

Tom is tall . . . Kent should be standing on that rock!
Looking north at a possible future hike out to Yankee Benchmark, using the Spruce Trail 

Sego Lily . . . the State Flower of Utah

We have seen more butterflies this year than ever before!

We left the trail and made our way through the deep lush grass to the creek 

Kent was looking for fish while the dogs enjoyed a cold drink 

Lola and Ezy enjoyed "taking five" in the cool grass

Colorful Delphinium

The Forest Service is making improvements to the trails . . .
A new bridge took us over the Right Fork and back to the trailhead

Another butterfly!

This appears to be a very old arborglyph from 1930 . . .
Maybe even an older one from 1929 above it!

Bunker Creek eventually flows into the beautiful Blue Springs Creek

Blue Springs Creek begged us to drop our lines in . . . so, we obliged the stream!
We each caught several trout and Allison left a "big one," that broke her line - twice, in the creek!
Boy, that was a great way to end the day!

What a great way to spend a hot summer day!  If you're interested in doing this hike, and want a topo map with GPS tracks, you can click here for Tom's post.  The loop ended up being just a little under eight miles (r/t) and had about 1,500 feet of total ascent.  Do you want to hike and fish?  Then maybe this outing is for you!