Friday, February 18, 2022

Montezuma Mine

Today's hike was back in the Kanab area . . . no big surprise, right?  Tom, who is not a big fan of caves, decided to travel to Nevada and hike Black Cliff.  He invited us along, but we decided to use this day to explore Montezuma Mines which is in the Johnson Canyon area.

History has it that Freddy Crystal, a 1922 prospector, believed he had found Montezuma's gold buried by the Aztecs in the white sandstone of southern Utah.  Freddy sold the townspeople of Kanab on his idea and for the next several years they worked to excavate the tunnels.  No gold was ever found.

This sounded like some fascinating history that we needed to check out.  And so, we were off on another adventure.

These deer were fun to watch . . . some jumped over the fence while the rest crawled under

We are thankful to the landowners who let us pass through their property . . . 
Please be courteous and close their gates 

We parked in a clearing and walked about 1/4 mile up the sandy road to the cliff base

Montezuma Mine is located on the southeast side of Second Point

This pottery shard looked out of place

A trail begins where the road ends . . . just follow it to the cliff base and you will find the Mine

We checked out the lower cave first . . . no gold here!

The lower cave had an interesting escape route 

Kent is trying to escape using a set of moki steps  

The upper cave made Kent nervous . . . he never did make it across the board!
(You can't see the bottom of the pit)

Instead he watched his wife "me" disappear into the darkness      

This pit was very deep!  We have read reports of it being over 30 feet

There were several passage ways . . .
Allison never made it to the end as it just kept going and going

Looking east towards Spring Point

If you are interested in checking out this area, you might want to click here to get excellent directions from Road Trip Ryan's webpage.  He provides his information for free, but you will need to create a password and username to access his site.  We feel it is well worth the time to set up an account with him.

The third weekend in February is Kanab's Balloons & Tunes Festival.  We were lucky enough to see lots of beautiful balloons in the air as we passed through Kanab on our way to Montezuma Mines.  We thought we'd share a few pictures with you as they provided us with an added bonus to our day!

Kanab's Balloons and Tunes Festival

We hoped she flossed her teeth!

This balloon came very close to landing on the K-Town gas station

We could hear the pilots talking with each other

Kent counted 35 balloons in the air at one time