Saturday, February 5, 2022

Cutler Point

Last week, as we were hiking Spring Point, we could see Cutler Point protruding from the White Cliffs off to the west.  We have always been interested in seeing the Great Chamber that lies at its base and when we found that it also had a benchmark on the summit we figured that would be enough to get Tom's interest piqued - we were right!  We try to make our hiking decisions on finding features that are important to each of our interests - for us that is often unique geological formations and for Tom it is usually tied to a numbered peak.  This hike fit the bill for all of us and turned in to a really fun adventure!

We're almost there!  Red Butte and Cutler Point loom in the distance

Cutler Point towers above us as we trod through the soft, but deep sand

The Great Chamber . . . with its pristine and finely grained sand dune!

Allison & Kent . . . along with Lola and Ezy

A view from a different angle . . . so cool, it's hard to describe!

We passed through this little slot as we exited the alcove

We came across this fallen section of a sandstone fin on the east side

We ascended the first portion of the cliff by going up this sandstone fin . . . 
It's easier to walk up than you'd think . . . as long as your shoes can grip the sandstone 

This Ponderosa Pine tree continued to grow in a horizontal position after it was blown over . . . amazing! 

Yes, it is as steep as it looks!

Tom thinks he has found a route up
The final 100 ft were the toughest to find a weakness that all of us could ascend . . . 
Kent ended up staying with dogs while Tom & Allison completed the hike

Up on top of Cutler Point we came across this arch

Tom is walking south on the backbone heading toward the benchmark

This is the first time we have seen a battery left by the surveyors . . . it was used for their lights

Tom uncovered the benchmark which was buried under a few inches of soil

The Cliffe Benchmark was placed here in 1954 by surveyors who arrived by helicopter . . . whimps!

A week ago we were on top of Spring Point looking at Cutler Point . . . and here we are!     

Looking westwards towards Diana's Throne (it's the farthest left Point on the horizon) . . .
We tried to climb this in 2020
Still lots of exploring to do in this area!

An interesting design 

Blowing wind creates sand circles . . . no wind for us today!

We have come full circle . . . Cutler Point was definitely worth the trip!

The parking area is just up ahead . . . we can't wait to get out of this sand!

 Red Butte was a bonus Tom had planned for us

We had fun exploring the formations . . . the dogs, not so much

Just a little bit of snow on the north side of the bowl

The geology of Utah never ceases to amaze us

They say, "All good things come in threes" we have to agree! 
Over the last three weeks this was our third 'Point' hike:  Flag, Spring & Cutler
Each had their own uniqueness that provided us with much enjoyment and reminded us why we like to hike

We highly recommend a trip to this area northeast of Kanab . . . you won't regret spending some time in this wonderful area.  For more information on Cutler Point, please click here for Tom's posting . . . it will provide you with a topo map and GPS tracks.