Thursday, January 27, 2022

Glass Eye Ruins

After completing our hike of Spring Point, and still having a good portion of the afternoon remaining (and the use of Tom's Can-Am), we decided to try and find Glass Eye Ruins.  Last week, after hiking Flag Point we tried to locate them on our way back to the Johnson Canyon staging area, but ran out of daylight. Fortunately, this time we were able to walk straight to Glass Eye Canyon and discovered them right under the rim.

We followed this foot path off the rim . . . it lead us directly to the ruins 

Glass Eye Ruins 

Pictograph . . .
Not sure what this symbol represents?

A decorative pottery shard . . . 
Makes you wonder if they didn't use their fingernails for the design?

Simple pictographs on the cliff overhang

The walls inside this room were charred from fires

Adobe mortar used to hold the stones in place

Little doors for little people
(Notice the smoke holes (?) on either side of the door)

The cliff overhang must have provided good protection from the weather 

An assortment of pottery shards laying beneath the ruins

Normally, we like to provide information that helps our readers find the areas we visit so that you might enjoy them for yourselves.  Being sensitive to the misuse/abuse of social media to bring unwanted damage to special areas such as these ruins, we have chosen not to post this information.  However, if in doing some "legwork", on your own, and you're still not able to ascertain their location, please contact us . . . we "might" be able to provide you with some helpful hints.  We hope you understand our desire to be good stewards.  Thanks!