Saturday, June 19, 2021

Mount Marvine

Earlier in the week, Tom hiked Mt. Terrill, which is near Fish Lake, in south central Utah.  Among the interesting photos he emailed us was a sawtoothed peak named Mount Marvine that was adjacent to Mt. Terrill.  We had never heard of Mount Marvine, and couldn’t believe such a classic peak existed within three hours of our home.  How had this gnarly Matterhorn type mountain flown under our radar?  So, when Tom said, “If you’re not doing anything Saturday, I propose we go do this one,” we were onboard!  After all, it was only four miles roundtrip . . . how hard could it be?

Tom took this picture of Mt. Marvine earlier in the week during his ascent of Mt. Terrill
 Kent thought it looked intriguing . . . so here we are! 
We started out in a spruce forest covered with elderberry, currant and raspberry bushes,
and beautiful wildflowers like this Purple Fringe
This is the first time we have seen these . . .
 red spruce cones, they were stunning! 
Colorful Columbine were growing everywhere 
 It looks daunting . . . never fear . . . Tom has a plan!
We will follow the original surveyor's route but that requires going around and up the other side

 Mt. Terrill, to our north, looks like a fun hike . . . maybe we should do that instead?!  Ha!
(Click here for a link to Tom's Peakbagger post for Mt. Terrill)
Up close some of the boulders were quite pretty . . . but they were very unpleasant to walk on! 
Sticky Sky Pilot . . . funny name for such a pretty flower
Chipper struggled with the boulder hopping  . . .
Kent decided to "bail" with Chipper so as to avoid an injury . . .
He found a chute that led down out of the boulder field and headed back
Looking back at where we have come from . . .
The boulder fields were relentless to say the least!
Ezy had the right idea!
 Two "old ladies" taking a short break . . . Lola stayed near Allison
It was fun to see several clumps of Parry's Primrose throughout the hike 
  The top appears to be in sight . . . but Tom checks his GPS just to be sure
Woohoo!  Allison made it to the top of Mount Marvine (11,624 ft)
We're not sure why someone would carry a ladder up here . . .
 Both Tom & Allison summited the rock top without it
1919 is the earliest Benchmark we have seen so far
We had great views . . .this is looking east toward Hilgard Mountain (11,533)
Looking north toward Mt. Terrill (11,547)
This was a shocker!  It was not an easy hike, yet the mailbox was full of signatures!
Off to the south, under cloudy skies, we could see Fish Lake
Do you see the arrows? 
 Someone had the audacity to hang a ball cap and two beer cans on this leaning dead tree!
These cool caterpillars were munching on some Prairie Bluebells 
At times we were rolling with the boulders, true story . . .
You should see Allison's shins and ask Tom about his knees! 
It was a very challenging, yet rewarding hike
They say getting there is half the fun . . . we have to agree . . .
On the drive to Mt. Marvine we passed through lush green pastures, streams, lakes,
 small communities we've never heard of and waited for a cattle drive . . . life in the slow lane!

This hike is only four miles but took almost six hours to complete.  If you're looking for a challenging hike that offers wonderful views and a provides a sense of accomplishment (and you don't mind boulder hopping), then consider hiking Mount Marvine.  Click here for a link to Tom's Peakbagger post with a topo map and GPS tracks.