Saturday, June 5, 2021

Lousy Jim Creek & Peak 10,138

Last week we hiked Bakers Benchmark and were surprised to find some new trails that we didn't know existed.  So . . . with very hot temperatures expected in the valley . . . it was time to head back to the cool air of the Tushars and see where these trails would lead us.  Since there were a couple of marked 10,000 ft peaks just off the trail, we figured Tom and "the Crew" would be interested in joining us - as always, they were!  None of us were disappointed - we followed a beautiful creek, walked a ridge with some stunning views, bagged two 10,000 ft peaks, and enjoyed each others good companionship - can't ask for much more out of a hike!

It was a nice quiet Saturday morning . . . just us, the dogs & a few mosquitoes!
(We started the hike from Paiute Side Trail #5 near Jimmy Reed Trailhead staging area)

Lousy Jim Creek flowed beside the trail for about 1.5 miles

We passed through a few grassy meadows

The high elevation meadows are the perfect habitat for this Alpine Lewisia 

At this sign, we headed east on Trail #64
(We have come from Paiute Side Trail and are headed to South Fork of North Creek Ridge)

Through the aspens we could see Mount Holly

It may not look like much, but this is Peak 10138
(The top was burned in the Skull Flat fire of 2019)

Beauty among the burn . . . this dead aspen is smooth and bright white without its' bark

These stark white aspens stand out among the conifers after the fire

Wow . . . what a view! 

The Tushars are some of the prettiest mountains in Utah!
(Looking L/R at Mt. Baldy, Mt. Belknap, and Shelly Baldy)

Three hot dogs chilling on ice!

We feel the same way . . . we're happy to be in mountains, too 

Hmmm.... not sure what this is . . . it doesn't look like sap . . . fungi or eggs?? 

So glad it's not 2020 anymore!
(Forest Service trail crews were getting clever)

These aspens look healthy . . . they really brighten up the forest

The dogs know a good thing when they see it . . .
Lousy Jim Creek kept them hydrated and cool . . .
Next time we'll take their cue and dip our toes in the creek! 

Tom has, once again, provided a topo map and GPS track for this hike.  By clicking here you will be redirected to his post for our route.  We hope you'll give this hike a try!