Saturday, March 27, 2021

Yellow Benchmark

With several days of inclement weather, earlier in the week, it seemed like a good time to visit some of the sandier areas near Coral Pink Sand Dunes – moisture makes the roads more compact and easier to drive.  Tom came up with a good plan to get a benchmark that was located on Harris Point and then, on our way out, we could bag another called Yellow Benchmark.  It was all going so well - until we encountered a slippery clay section of road and we decided to turn back – Tom pressed on.

We returned to Monument Knoll (just off a paved road) and began hiking towards Yellow Benchmark.  This ended up being a good backup plan as we were able to get in a five-mile (r/t) hike.  After locating the benchmark, we took a half-hour lunch break and this gave Tom enough time to get back from Harris Point and meet up with us on top.  Not exactly the day we planned, but all-in-all a good one!

We began our hike just south of Monument Knoll, a hike we did in December 2020

Within minutes we spooked up some deer

Interesting enough, later, Kent would find this mule deer antler 

Yellow Benchmark is on top of this ridge

Just a cool rock!

Yellow Benchmark was placed here in 1954

Chipper is ready for snacks & we are ready for lunch!

Off to the northwest we could see the cliffs of Zion
(This is a zoomed in view) 

After lunch Tom, Lola & Ezy arrived . . .
Tom wanted to find the two USGS Reference Markers so that he could update this benchmark
(We were interested, too, as they were copper nails & washers . . .
something we hadn't seen before and kind of rare!)

Apparently, hiking isn't enough to wear down Ezy & Chipper . . .
These silly boys like to play hard! 

Tom showed us an old axe blaze in this tree where we were hoping to find one of the two
USGS Reference Markers (the other has since disappeared) . . .
Kent spotted the washer in the dirt . . . the copper nail, it held in place, was nowhere to be found

Here's an example, from, of how it should have looked

We reunited the RM & the tree for others to enjoy

Time to head back!
Hiking is like life . . . sometimes our plans change . . . but that isn't a bad thing!