Friday, February 26, 2021

South Fork Indian Canyon Pictographs

Day two of our trip, with John and Mary, and we were ready to search for a large cliff dwelling that we knew existed in a remote canyon.  Those plans were quickly put away when we came to a locked gate and a “No Trespassing” sign (we’ll get there, but we’ll need to do it another day when we’re prepared to hike 7-miles (r/t) through BLM land).  Oh well!  On to Plan B and an exploration of the South Fork Indian Canyon Petroglyphs.

This was a fun UTV trip that allowed us to visit the backside of Coral Pink Sand Dunes.  After a great ride (surprisingly we saw no one going in and only one person coming out) we enjoyed a short, but scenic hike, to a large pictograph panel tucked away in an alcove of Indian Canyon.  What a great way to spend a sun-filled Friday afternoon in late February!

On the road again . . . 

Lots of coral pink sand!

We are headed into the canyon to see some pictographs

After a night at the LaQuinta Chipper should be well rested, but he looks sleepy

Looking east into South Fork of Indian Canyon 

There is a trail and it's only one mile RT

The north facing side of the canyon was shaded and icy

Farther down the trail the cliff walls got taller 

Here we are . . . South Fork Indian Canyon Pictographs

The sign says . . . the paintings still speak, listen . . . what do you hear?

They tell a story

The colors are made from plants, roots and ochre

Chipper, Kent & Allison on the boardwalk

The alcove protects the pictographs from sunshine, precipitation and wind 


It's mustard man!

We stopped to view the canyon on our way back up . . . good thing there is a fence!

Now we are headed up another finger of the canyon

Wow, look at this alcove full of icicles and colorful streaked sandstone walls!

John is carefully working his way down to where Allison is,
so he can get a good view of the icicles

The sun doesn't shine here!

Thanks John & Mary for another fun adventure!