Monday, January 18, 2021

Lower Mountain Notch

Canaan Mountain has fast become one of our favorite places to explore in southern Utah and offers refreshing solitude as compared to its busy neighbor, Zion  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you view it), there is no easy way to get on top this magnificent high plateau.  In fact, the three routes - Water Canyon, Squirrel Canyon and Lower Mountain Notch - all involve negotiating cracks in the formidable sandstone cliffs that guard the mountain like an impenetrable fortress.

So when Tom suggested we give Lower Mountain Notch a shot we were, tentatively, on board.  We say "tentatively" because we new it was going to be a long hike (11-12 miles) and would involve following an unmaintained trail that we read would take some route finding.  The trail or route finding didn't end up being an issue, but the distance constantly played a mental game with Kent's psyche as to whether his knee would hold out long enough to get him back to the trailhead.

We are on our way to Eagle Crags . . . those jagged peaks straight ahead
This is where we will begin our trek to Lower Mountain Notch

Getting to the trailhead is an adventure in itself . . . on the way, we were 
treated to a beautiful golden glowing sunrise on The West Temple of Zion! 

Starting up the trail towards Eagle Crags . . . 
The first three miles are on a maintained trail and goes quite quickly

Here's West Temple after the sunrise

The dogs enjoyed the snow along the trail

As the trail winds its way east, the views of "Zion proper" become overshadowed
by the East Fork Canyon of the Virgin River

One of the seldom seen secrets of the East Fork is the settlement of Shunesburg . . .
Brigham Young sent people to settle this area in the 1860's . . . 
This is all that remains of that early community

It's time to take a snack break before starting on the unmaintained trail
that heads up the South Fork of  the Virgin River . . .
Come on Kent, what's taking you so long!

This picture shows our route to Lower Mountain Notch . . .
After 4.5 miles, we made the decision to head back (red line) while Tom pushed
on to the Notch (yellow line)

Manzanitas berries or drupes . . . taste like apples . . . so we've heard  

Looking back, from where we've come, at Eagles Crags and Zion
This was an annoying part of the trail as we had to descend/ascend many ravines

Safety first . . . Kent & Tom are doing a walkie-talkie check
before Tom heads for The Notch and East Lower Mountain

Tom shared these next four pictures with us and we thought you might find it interesting as to what he saw along his journey.

Here's the crux of the hike . . . The Notch
Once past this weakness in the sandstone cliffs you can begin to explore the remote
sections of Canaan's Lower Mountain

Here's an example of those impressive cliffs that surround Canaan Mountain . . .
Tom took this picture looking east just above where he came through The Notch

We should have followed Tom . . . we missed seeing this cool hoodoo!

Here's East Lower Mountain . . .
Tom plans to summit East and West Lower Mountain on another trip . . . 
He needs more daylight to complete this estimated fourteen mile hike!

Yikes!  A rattlesnake shed . . . a good reason why we don't hike here in the summer!

Just a few more miles to go!

Ah!  Back to the trailhead!
For us this was a nine mile (r/t) hike and for Tom, just an eleven mile "walk in the park!"

If you'd like to do this hike you may be interested in this well written (and picture documented) article, Eagle Crags Trail (and Lower Mountain) by Joe Braun - we found it very helpful.  Of course, there is always Tom's Peakbagger post that will provide you with GPS tracks and a topo map - this can be found by clicking here.