Saturday, December 26, 2020

Calico Peak

About a month ago we had intentions of climbing Calico Peak, but after several hours of trying to find a viable route to the base of the peak, we gave up.  Today we came back (after doing some research on Google Earth) to try a different route farther to the west.  It was a good plan and took us to the base of Calico with very few obstacles.  However, once at the base we encountered cliff walls with little access to the summit.

Tom and Lola circumnavigated the peak and located a possible route on the east side, but further exploration meant leaving Lola by herself for an extended time - something he didn't want to do.  If we had stayed with Tom, and watched Lola, we're pretty sure (from the pictures he showed us) he would have made it to the top.  Who knows, maybe we'll be back a third time to complete a successful summit of this unique peak!

We parked by these formations and started up a wash

We are pretty sure this wash will lead us up to the base of Calico Peak . . .
But then we were pretty confident the last time we tried!

Slabs of this shiny rock were in the upper portion of the wash . . . Mica, perhaps?

This unusual red sandstone formation had a white top layer

There's Calico Peak (from the west side) . . .  Kent & Tom discuss the game plan . . .
Work towards the base and then head south (right)

Hey, Tom aren't you gonna share with us? Just a bite!

The scenery is absolutely gorgeous!
(Taken from the west base . . . looking back at where we came up)

Taking in the views of the Paria River Valley at the southern base of Calico Peak . . .
Just visible (top right corner) is Red Top where we were three weeks ago

We were hoping this chunk of sandstone stayed intact as we walked below it . . .
We are now heading around to the east side

Time to head up . . . it was steep! 

After an unsuccessful attempt at a route to the summit, we took a break . . . 
We decided to reverse our path . . . 
While Tom and Lola continued on around Calico Peak (we should have stayed with them!)

Kent, Allison & Chipper are heading back to the bench to wait for Tom

Tom & Lola will circle the peak hoping to find a route and meet us on the other side

Hmmm . . . Someone was watching us!
Hey, Mr Elf, have you seen Tom and Lola?  Yes, they are over that way! 

This sandstone formation was so fragile you could peel it away layer by layer

45 minutes later Tom & Lola made it back around to the west side

Chipper spotted them and barked!

Lola was looking for us, while Tom was still searching for a way up to the top . . .
It wasn't long until we joined back and started back to our vehicles

 Vertical layers of sandstone . . . all different colors . . . like pages in a book

We've never seen a pack-rat (the animal kind, ha!), but they build some crazy nests 

The walls of the wash were so amazing . . . different sediments, colors & layers

Interesting banded cliffs along the wash

These were some of the biggest and deepest mud cracks we have ever seen!

Nice view of Gingham Skirt Butte on our way out . . . 
For Tom & Lola it was a 5.6 mile hike . . . for us 4.6 . . . we should have gone the extra mile!  

If you're interested in making this hike and would like to follow our route, please click here to find a topo map with GPS tracks from Tom's Peakbagger post.