Saturday, October 10, 2020

Lake Stream

Back in August, when we were hiking the Hy Hunt trail, we were surprised to find such a large flow of water in Lake Stream (we were expecting only a trickle).  After casting a few lines and getting several bites, it was decided that we would need to return and fish this stream and explore the box canyon it flowed through.  Today's weather forecast made it the perfect day to return to Lake Stream and make good on our promise to check out this unique area.  Boy, are we glad we did!

The sun had not yet made it into this section of the box canyon . . .
It allowed us to enjoy a moment of tranquility 

Chipper is going to practice "patience" today . . . 
 Something he needs to learn . . . 
Especially on fishing days!

Pussy Willows were a vibrant yellow

Kent prefers to fish streams over lakes
(Streams let you hike and explore while walking their banks) 

It about "killed" Chipper to sit and wait . . .
Although he had some lapses (okay, he had several!) . . .
It was a good learning experience for him

Such a pretty stream and no one else around on a Saturday!

Lake Stream gently flowed against the lichen covered walls

The water was so clear . . .
It was Allison, however, who had the fun of hooking this beautiful Rainbow trout

We love the colors on a "native" rainbow as compared to a hatchery raised one . . .
Unless we can't cleanly remove the hook, we release our fish so others can have fun, too! 
Maybe you'll be the next to catch this guy?! 

While walking the banks of the stream . . .
Kent spotted something shiny and slightly out of place . . . An arrowhead!
Do you suppose the Native Americans might have used it to spear trout in the creek?

Within minutes, he found two additional fragments of spearpoints!

Not only did we have a fun day . . .
But it was great to enjoy a few remaining colorful aspens 

One last look at the leaves . . .
Then it was time to pack up and head home . . .
Taking some good memories with us!