Saturday, October 17, 2020

Bear Creek National Recreation Trail

Looking for another hike to do in the Ridgway area, we decided that the half-day trek to Grizzly Bear Mine would fit the bill.  The writeup said this trail was blasted from the cliffs by miners who were looking for an easier route down to the town of Ouray from their gold mine.  Kent decided he would face his “cliff demons” (he’s scared of heights) and give the trail a try.  Really, how much exposure could there possibly be on this maintained trail?  A lot!  Allison ended up getting lots of laughs as she strolled along taking pictures of Kent hugging the cliff walls while he tried not to look down at the deep gulches.  Alas, we made it safe and sound while enjoying an epic Colorado hike!

This is a unique Trailhead . . .
It crosses over the tunnel the Million Dollar Highway (HWY 550) cuts through . . .
You know it's going to be a great trail with a start like this! 

We arrived at 8:00am . . . first car in the parking lot!
Mt. Abrams (12,801) is in the distance

Bear Creek is designated as a National Recreation Trail . . .
Yes, another cold morning . . . we'll peel jackets and gloves off later

It was a beautiful trail from the beginning

Colorful rocks (slate, we think) on and off the trail

The first mile we gained 1000 ft via 12 switchbacks . . .
Kind of scary, right?  (It only gets better!)

If you are afraid of heights . . .
Then be prepared for the "willies" these ledge traverses will give you!

Allison was surprised to see this Golden Aster in bloom . . .
Two weeks prior, Colorado had it's first snow of the season

Yep, no guard rails!
Just big drop-offs into Bear Creek Canyon . . .
Definitely not a kid or dog friendly hike (although we saw both!)

Grizzly Bear Mine . . . how did they get all this equipment up here?

Remnants of an old Boarding House circa 1880's

Heading back through an aspen forest . . . Enjoy . . .
You must now retrace the ledges!

This trail is unique & quite scenic . . .
Just keep your eyes on the trail!

Kent thought he struck "gold!"  Ha!

Crossing the bridge before heading back to the ledges

Red Mountain Pass 

That's an interesting pinnacle coming up 

Starting back down the switchbacks section of the trail . . .
We enjoyed nice views of the Mount Sneffels Range in the distance . . .
Just yesterday we were on the other side at Blue Lakes!

Looking down on the town of Ouray

More colorful rocks . . .
No wonder this area intrigued the miners

A spectacular Fall day on a fun trail with amazing scenery . . . 
And Kent survived to hike another day!