Saturday, September 19, 2020

Nevada Road Trip

After hiking to Griswold Lake, we drove to Wells, Nevada and spent the night.  Before heading home, we wanted to visit Angel Lake and then hike a couple of miles into Smith Lake.  Both are glacial lakes in the East Humboldt range of the Ruby's.  However, on the descent from Griswold Lake, Kent's leg started giving him problems and after attempting a short section of the Smith Lake trail we had to turn around.  Instead, we made plans to come back (sometime in the future) and hike not only Smith Lake, but also into Winchell Lake.  The post below shows our time at Angel Lake and then a short diversion we took to Black Horse Mine and cemetery near Sacramento Pass on our way home.  

Little Church of the Crossroads in Lamoille 

Heading up to Angel Lake . . .
Winchell Lake trailhead is straight ahead

High up on a hillside above the road . . . we felt eyes upon us!

It rained during the night . . .
Now the sun is peeking through the clouds creating a nice morning glow

Angels?  No, it's just us & our shadows!

Angel Lake is a glacial tarn and very picturesque

We took a few back roads on the way home . . . dirt roads! 
 Gold was discovered here in 1905

Don't you wonder how far back this mine adit goes?

Kent decided we needed to stretch and get a little exercise!
(Hey, Kent, you look a little sore)

There were mine shafts all over this hillside

Looks like a good place to escape bad weather . . .
In fact, that's how gold was found in Black Horse . . .
 A prospector sought shelter under an overhanging ledge during a rain storm
and, as they like to say, "The rest is history."

Off in the distance are the mountains of the Great Basin National Park . . .
They are obscured, as much of Nevada was, by the haze from forest fires

These colorful rocks piqued Allison's interest . . .
She decided this is where she would have started looking for gold!

This little tree was growing inside the shallow shaft

We visited the Black Horse Eldridge Cemetery . . .
Quite a view and peaceful place to be laid to rest

Ahh . . . so good to see blue skies near Milford, Utah