Friday, September 18, 2020

Hennen Canyon to Griswold Lake

It’s been far too long since we last visited the Ruby Mountains of Nevada, so when Tom invited us to come with him for a hike we didn’t hesitate to “tag” along.  The plan was for us to hike with Tom to Griswold Lake where we would stop, fish and watch Lola while he continued up to Ruby Dome (the highpoint of the Ruby’s).   Lola had other plans . . . she was going to the top too!  So, we relaxed, fished and enjoyed ourselves while waiting for Tom and Lola to return.  Later in the afternoon they returned from a successful summit and we all hiked back to the trailhead together.  What a great day!

We woke up early, ate breakfast, and packed up our camp all in the dark . . .
Shortly after 7am Utah time (6am in Nevada) we hit the trail!
Don't trust the mileage posted on the sign . . . they lie!

It's official we are on our way into Hennen Canyon

Kent & Tom stopped to read this aspen tree

It was probably a Basque Sheepherder who left his mark on this tree . . .
we liked the arrows . . . they've got you covered . . . coming or going!

Tom took our picture . . .  do we look awake?!

We followed a trail of rock cairns in this upper portion of the hike . . . Rock on!

We think & hope that we are almost there!
It's right over the ridge, right? 

After 3½ miles this looks very promising!

Griswold Lake!
How pretty, even on a hazy, smoky, overcast day

We forgot to check the GPS when we arrived . .  . it actually took us about 3 hrs

Griswold is a glacial tarn . . . a lake formed in the cirque of a glacier 

 Common Yarrow was the only flower I saw in bloom near the lake 

The water from Griswold Lake flows under a little rock dam and forms Butterfield Creek

These rocks were embedded into this old tree stump

Tom took this picture of the lake on his way to Ruby Dome (11,388) . . . 
Tom and Lola still had two more miles and 2,000' to go!

Rumor has it that Griswold is stocked with Cutthroat trout every three years . . .
We have decided that there are no fish in the lake . . .
so we'll just say 2020 must be year three!
Kent still had fun trying!

Here's living proof . . .  we made it to Griswold Lake!

Looking at the Fall foliage and the crystal clear lake made us forget about the haze  

Tom & Lola taking a well deserved break after just getting back from Ruby Dome . . .
(Of course, pork loin with Grey Poupon was in order)
For Tom and Lola this was an 11 mile RT hike . . . amazing! 

Time to head back down Hennen Canyon to the trailhead

It was so refreshing to see some Fall colors

Out of the rocks and back into the forest

The smoky haze is still lingering below in the Spring Creek Valley . . .
We were so glad to get above it for a while . . . 
Almost back to the trailhead after a fabulous day in the Ruby's!