Friday, September 25, 2020

Canaan Peak Hike

It seems like most every year we celebrate our anniversary with a hike . . . this year (our 33rd) was no different.  We decided to travel to Bryce Canyon, enjoy a concert and in the morning hike the relatively unknown Canaan Peak.  Although not visited by many, this is none-the-less a very enjoyable hike that provides spectacular views of the southern portion of GSENM (Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument).  We invited Tom and Lola to join us and surprisingly (it's a two hour drive from their home) they said, "Where and what time do we meet you?"  Their company, along with a great trail and wonderful views, made for a most enjoyable day!

Lola has her pack on, she's ready to go!
(Several people have said they couldn't find the start of this trail . . . 
It begins directly behind this sign and heads west before grabbing a ridge and turning south) 

We were so happy to see a well maintained trail!
Travel this path for several miles until it joins an old logging (ATV) road . . . 
Follow the road for several hundred yards and it will lead you to the base of Canaan Peak

Powell Point, off to our west, was visible for much of the hike

There wasn't much left of this old snag

The trail/old road took us below the colorful and spectacular south end of Canaan Peak 

After passing under Canaan Peak, we made the short but steep ascent from the east side
(Total ascent was about 300 feet)

Halfway there....

Just a walk in the park now!

On a clear day you could see for miles and miles . . .
For us, visibility was somewhat hampered by the haze . . . 
None-the-less, we plan to come back and enjoy this view again!

We kept Lola with us while Tom precariously searched for the
Bench and Reference markers

He found them in the craziest location . . . near the edge!
  He'll document them on National Geodetic Survey website

Canaan Peak Benchmark
It hasn't been updated in the data base since 1959 . . .
That's about to change thanks to Tom

Starting back down the west side . . . 
This side certainly wasn't as steep and showed a little evidence of a social trail

We stopped to view the Claron formations on our descent

Tom wanted to "bag" the GSENM highpoint . . . 
So while he and Lola hiked a couple of extra miles, we waited and enjoyed the day 

This was Tom's view of Canaan Peak (9,293) on his way to the GSENM highpoint

This little guy was busy singing while we waited

Almost back to the trailhead . . .
Round trip for the Canaan Peak hike was about 5.5 miles

Kent spotted these Shaggy Mane mushrooms growing in a dry stream bed 

After saying good-bye to Tom and Lola, we drove up FR 148 (Stump Springs)  . . .
This road takes you to the base of Powell Point . . . 
It is here that "Under the Point Trail" begins

It's obvious that this trail only gets light to medium use . . .
Many sections (in the draws) are washed out, but can be easily traversed . . . 
unless you're hiking in stilettos!

Can you see the little window?
Time for us to call it a day and gets some dinner in Tropic before heading home

It was a great day of exploration and capped off another great anniversary hike!  For more detailed information and directions to Canaan Peak, please see Tom's peakbagger entry by clicking here.