Friday, August 7, 2020

Skyline Trail

It was time to complete our last segment of the Skyline Trail, in the Tushar Mountains, that we started in 2018.  This trail is approximately 18 miles long from it's start at Big Flat (just south of Puffer Lake) to where it ends at Blue Lake (directly beneath Mt. Baldy).  We had completed all but a four-mile portion.  Today's plan was to park at the Eagle Point Ski Resort, hike up a ski run and then cross country to the Skyline Trail.  From here we would work our way northward to Big John Flat and then car shuttle back to the Ski Resort.  It was a fantastic plan and made for an enjoyable afternoon hike. We love it when a plan comes together!
We parked at the Eagle Point Ski Resort's Skyline Lodge . . . 
Once through the back country gate, we headed towards Mt. Holly . . . 
this path intersected with the Skyline Trail in about a half mile
Soon we were traversing through grassy meadows below the skyline of the Tushars 

Allison was excited to see these colorful Paintbrushes and Asters so late in the summer 
We crossed over this little stream near the base of Mt. Holly (11,999)
It was peaceful walking . . . only an occasional hawk was in sight
(Click on the picture for a panoramic view)

Monkey flowers growing along a stream
Monkey Flowers grow near water or marshy areas 
As you can see, the trail is suitable for just about everyone

Merchant Creek flows through this meadow . . . it almost looks like a golf course!

Chipper got his fill of cold clear water!
Next time we'll bring a water filter so we can try it, too!

The Mineral Mountains can be seen in the distance
Parry's Mountain Gentian were blooming despite the lack of moisture
In between the meadows there were some rocky sections

We chose this beautiful spot for our lunch break . . .
we are below the ridge to Delano Peak (12,173)

Cushion Buckwheat is a common wildflower that comes in a variety of colors 

Allison spotted this High Brown Fritillary fluttering between the rocks

The Tushar Skyline will soon disappear out of sight as we head north 

We had some great views of the Tushars today . . .
soon we will head back into the forest on our way to Big John Flat