Thursday, June 4, 2020

Sidney Peaks

We've lived in southern Utah almost twenty-three years.  How have we missed this gem of a hike?  As we've said quite often in the last several posts, "Just when you think you've seen it all, something like this unexpected beauty comes up."  The pictures in this post don't due justice to the amazing scenery and spectacular views you will enjoy on this easy to get to adventure.

Sidney Peaks (which are actually three separate small peaks) can be accessed either from the south, just before the last turn on the road that ascends Brian Head Peak or off the Sidney Valley road which comes in from the north.  As we got a late start, we decided to come in from Sidney Valley as this route is shorter (four miles round-trip).

After this most enjoyable hike, we still had plenty of time left in the afternoon to cast a few lines in Castle Creek.  Although fishing with Chipper is a challenge, we managed to catch a few Bonneville Cutthroat and a Tiger trout.  What a great way to end the day!

Once we arrived at the parking area,
we followed a little trail off to our right which gave us a view of Sidney Peaks

The parking area is over 10,000 ft in elevation . . .
Looking to the west, the ridge drops off in cliff fashion to provide dramatic views!

The Brian Head fire started on June 17, 2017 and burned over 71,000 acres
How beautiful this area must have been before the fire?

Natural beauty left after the fire . . .
You can almost imagine a woodworker using a torch to char the tree

The trail passes through a couple of meadows as it works it's way to a saddle . . . 
Pictured here are Middle and North Sidney Peaks

Here's a panoramic view as we left the trail to summit our first of two Sidney Peaks
(clicking on the picture will open it in a landscape format)

Views from Middle Sidney Peak (11,030) . . .
We are headed for the those other two peaks, which make up North Sidney Peak . . .

In the distance is Yankee Meadow Reservoir

Looking at Brian Head Peak (11,306) off to the south

We enjoyed walking through several snowbanks . . .
Chipper enjoyed eating the snow!

Do you see Kent & Chipper?
They are on top of North Sidney Peak

Taking a break at 11,000 ft . . . Brian Head Peak in the distance

This Black Swallowtail butterfly caught my eye . . . he just sat there!

Here's the three of us enjoying a perfect day

Heading back down through the meadow 

Even in the burn scar one can still find some beauty

Doesn't Chipper look excited?  He loves water!
Come on Dad, let's get that line wet!

Fishing Castle Creek . . . what an absolutely beautiful stream!

Chipper is not exactly the "ideal" fishing dog!
He came up just a "little short" on his jump across the creek!

Allison's catch of the day . . . a Bonneville Cutthroat trout! 

I was so excited to see this beautiful Shooting Star!

This Tiger trout really gave Kent a challenge . . .
Tiger trout are a cross between a female brown and male brook trout

Walking along and fishing Castle Creek . . .
What a perfect way to end a perfect day!