Friday, May 22, 2020

Grand Castle Highpoint

A few weeks ago when we were making plans to hike the Beehive, Tom mentioned a place he thought we might like called Grand Castle.  He said it was outside Parowan and up the Yankee Meadow road.  At the time we couldn't get up the road as it was still locked and gated for the winter.  Fast forward several weeks, with the road open and clear, it was time to take Tom (and Lola) up on their offer to rehike this beautiful highpoint with us.

Only being about three miles in length (rt), this hike will challenge you over the first half-mile as it gains nearly 850 feet.  After the initial gain, the terrain levels out some before you make the final push for the summit.  It is a great hike that provides phenomenal 360° views in all directions . . . just check out the pictures below!  If you're interested in making this hike for yourself, just click here for a link to Tom's Peakbagger posting that has all the route information.

We set out early before the sun was overhead . . .
and like most of our hikes, it's uphill from the get-go!

Look out Kent . . . Hoodoo Man is watching you!
Kind of spooky looking, huh?

Tom was in the lead . . . here we come trying to catch up with Lola . . .
who took this nice picture while waiting for us (ha!)

Yep . . . it was steep!
But the scenery and rock formations made the hard work worth it!

There were a quite a few cushion phlox all along the way

Every so often we came across chunks of conglomerate rocks

We are headed to Grand Castle Highpoint (8572 ft) . . .
there is no trail

Now we are working up through the loose scree

It's time to for our final ascent to the highpoint

But first we must make our way around these impressive rock turrets

Somehow, this Woolly Mountain Parsley can survive in these rocks

The scenery was outstanding the entire hike . . .
 We are looking southeast towards Brian Head 

There were a few Bristlecone Pines growing up on the highpoint
This magnificent one surely has stood the test of time!

We are on the Grand Castle highpoint . . .
the actual Castle, for which area is named, is off to the southwest

Looking west towards Parowan . . .
 Little Salt Lake, a dry salt bed can be seen in the distance

Lola had the right idea . . . and she deserved a nap!
She was tuckered from hiking two peaks the previous day . . . what a trooper!

Enjoying a few more minutes before it's time to head back down
(Make sure to click on the picture to open it in a panoramic format)

Kent's always on the lookout for the perfect Christmas tree
You can see Yankee Meadow road below us . . . this is where we started

This pinnacle marks the spot where we begin our final descent!
Pretty hard to miss this trail marker

It looks as if someone poured concrete . . .
but it's just a huge slab of conglomerate rock

Almost back . . . I know how Lola feels
Looking across the canyon (in the very upper right hand corner)
is the rock formation known as Noah's Ark  

We have come full circle . . .
and yes we pretty much slid all the way down . . . it was quite the ride!

There is alternate way to approach the Grand Castle from the southwest that starts at the Vermillion Castle trailhead, although it is longer and has some even steeper sections.  Please click here for additional pictures and a map courtesy of Peakbagger Stephen Thompson.