Saturday, November 16, 2019

Toadstool and Rimrock Hoodoos

It has been a mild Fall season and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument seems to be calling our names.  When traveling to Page we often see cars parked off the highway by the Paria Contact Station and wonder, "What do they know that we don't?"  It was time to find out!  After doing a little research we found that most people were stopping to see the infamous Red Toadstool hoodoo formation.  Further study showed there were many more hoodoos located in the Rimrocks area.  It was time to go find them!  Click here for a great link that describes the area in more detail.

The first toadstool we came upon . . . 
small compared to most but still impressive!

Look at the different textures, colors and shapes of sandstone

Standing tall, this hoodoo appears to be watching over the little ones

Quite majestic . . . 
Notice the thin white layers in the red Entrada sandstone 

The famous Rimrock Toadstool Hoodoo

It looks different from every direction

The Lower Rimrock Hoodoos were fun to visit . . . 
Research shows that there are more interesting formations in the area . . .
Guess we'll need to come back and see what lies to the west!

Now we are headed to the Hoodoo Forest . . . 
Located in the Upper Rimrocks area, off the Cottonwood Wash Road

From the rim we must drop down and weave our way onto the white bench . . . 
The bench is a 100 ft above the valley floor and only accessible from above

Looking back towards the rim that we descended to reach the white bench . . .
Although there is a faint trail, it can be sketchy in places!

Be careful going to the Hoodoo Forest . . . one misstep could spell disaster
Chipper was being a little too rambunctious . . . 
so Kent waited with him while I worked on photographs

Wandering through the forest made me feel like I was on another planet

Doesn't this hoodoo look like a meerkat?
He seems to be watching over this unique brain-like mound of clay

How has this hoodoo's caprock not fallen?

One last look at the meerkat before heading back to Kent and Chipper . . . 
There was so much more that needed exploring on this bench . . . 
We will need to come back soon and continue the adventure!

Click here for an interactive Google Map with directions to the Rimrock Hoodoos.