Saturday, October 12, 2019

Duncan Creek

When Kent and I decided to start this Blog, we not only wanted to preserve our memories, but to pique the interest of others.  It's always fun to share our adventures with friends.  Not long ago, Ron and Judy mentioned they'd like to go on a hike with us.  We'd also been trying to plan an outing with Dan and Lorene (also from church), so we invited them along as well.  Fortunately, for us, it worked out that everyone was available!

After reading Jesse McMullin's ("Mr. Tushar!") article on the West Fork of Merchant Creek, it sounded like the Duncan Creek Trail might be ideal for all of us.  It would get us into the Tushar's and provide a gentle sloping trail that meandered through aspen forests and would cross several small streams.  Unfortunately, most of the leaves had peaked and fallen, but that didn't stop us from enjoying good friendship and a beautiful Fall day!

Starting out on the Duncan Creek Trail

Hiking in the higher elevations caused us to stop and catch our breath . . .
but it also provided time for good conversations!

We crossed over several small streams along the trail

Many held the remnants of the beautiful Fall day

It's been a dry summer and most of the aspens have already shed their leaves 

This is the first time we have hiked together . . . 
it was fun to have "Uncle Ron" share some stories about 
the good ol' days with us!

Duncan Creek

Time to enjoy the warmth of the Fall sunshine and a quick snack . . .
Do you see the bear trying to listen in on our conversation? 
Just kidding, it's a remnant from a forest fire!

Dan and Lorene lead the way . . . as we headed back to meet up with Ron & Judy

It's only 2 miles and it's all downhill to the car!

Even though most of the trees have shed their leaves,
it was still a great day to be outdoors