Friday, September 6, 2019

Mount Nebo (almost!)

Whenever we drive north on I-15, Mt. Nebo is always the first to greet us as we travel along the Wastach Front (the metropolitan area from Nephi to Bringham City) and for many years has intrigued us.  Last year we drove the Nebo Loop National Scenic Byway and discovered the trailhead for Mt. Nebo.  Once Kent found out that Mt. Nebo (11,928) was the highest peak in the Wasatch mountain range, I knew I was in trouble . . . it was obvious the peak was calling his name!

Kent worked on taking down the tent, while I cooked breakfast

Kent, Darrell and Allison at the Mount Nebo/North Peak Trailhead . . .
It will be nine-miles round trip, if we make it . . .
Those grey clouds are an ominous omen!

We've only just begun . . . it's an uphill climb from the beginning!

We saw a few of these pretty conglomerate rocks along the trail

Ahead lies North Peak (11,174) . . .
We will hike to the ridge on the right and then traverse the backside of North Peak
to Wolf Pass (on the left) . . . from there we will begin our final ascent of Mt. Nebo

Simple white Erigeron or Fleabane  

It rained on us two times during the hike . . . no wonder these flowers are so pretty

We're still going uphill . . . yippee!

Some of the north facing slopes were covered with wildflowers

We've made it to the ridge of North Peak . . . 
  That's Mount Nebo (11,928) on the right . . . yikes!
Can this really be the same mountain?  It looks so much steeper!

Now it's time to begin the backside traverse of North Peak . . .
We're heading for Wolf Pass

We've arrived at Wolf Pass and take a much needed break . . .
the question now becomes, "Do we continue on?"

Kent and Darrell look up at Wolf Peak (false summit) . . .
we can't even see Mount Nebo from here!

So close, yet so far way . . . Mount Nebo is not to be for us today!

Looking down towards Mona Reservoir to the west

The scenery was amazing in every direction . . .
We could see Utah Valley and Utah Lake looking to the north

Heading back down the North Peak ridge line . . .

We took a quick snack break and one last peek at Mount Nebo . . . 
Amazingly, the sun came out and the clouds cleared away . . . go figure!

Kent working his way through a steep, rocky section of the descent

Though not yet ripe, elderberries were abundant

Time to load up and head for home

One last look at the mountain that beat us!
Mount Nebo is on the left . . .
Wolf Pass is the saddle in the middle and North Peak is on the right . . .
We were so close, yet so far away!

Click here for an interactive map that shows trailhead and route to the summit.