Friday, September 13, 2019

Enroute to Bald Mountain

Great Basin National Park is only three hours from our home and always delivers as a favorite destination for solitude, great scenery and challenging hikes.  It had been almost two years since we last visited GBNP and it was high time to return to this special place.  We didn't have a specific hike in mind . . . in fact, our only priority was to find a good camping spot . . . which we successfully accomplished!

The next morning we decided to take the scenic drive to the Wheeler Peak trailhead.  We followed the path for a couple of miles, passing Stella Lake, and then took a northerly ridge that lead us to the summit of Bald Mountain.  After enjoying a break and the views, we descended (using a slightly different route) that brought us back to the Wheeler Peak trail.  What a great way to spend a gorgeous Fall day!

Baker Creek Campground was a great place to camp . . . even these turkeys thought so!

A campfire makes camping fun . . . especially if you have to sleep in a tent!

Starting out for our five-mile hike

Wheeler Peak, on the right, is the highest in the Snake Range at 13,063 ft

It's always fun to see deer on our hikes

In a little over a mile we arrived at Stella Lake . . .  so pretty! 

This chipmunk is pointing us in the right direction

Soon we will leave the Wheeler Peak trail and head cross-country for Bald Mountain

Colorful rocks along the way

There's no trail . . . just a destination ahead

Yes, it's quite rocky . . . aren't all the mountains in the Great Basin?

Looking to the west . . . Spring Valley and it's wind turbines!

Looking south towards Wheeler Peak from the top of Bald Mountain (11,562)

Windswept Limber Pines cling to the rocky slope

A perfect day for a hike!

We drove up to the end of the road and saw these unusual cars from Oregon

Cute as can be . . . but I think I'd rather travel in our 4Runner!