Saturday, September 14, 2019

Berry Creek in the Schell Creek Range

Just east of Ely, Nevada lies the Schell mountain range . . . one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the Great Basin!  We have hiked here many times in the past and have summited North SchellUnita Peak and South Schell.  This time we decided to "take it easy" and explore the several springs that come together and form Berry Creek.  We enjoyed a gorgeous day all to ourselves as we took a five-mile hike along this beautiful aspen lined stream. A new trail (not on any maps) was discovered and plans for a future hike began to formulate in Kent's mind.  I have a feeling it won't be long until we will be back to continue our exploration of the Schell range!

It's a great day for a walk among the aspens

The hands caught my eye

We have never heard of this trail before . . . 
Now it's on our list of things to do!

An old snow survey cabin

Just think of all the possibilities beyond this gate . . .

The old barn and corral

Looking back at the cabin and the barn . . . 
You can see why they built them here . . .
it's a beautiful spot!

Interesting outhouse . . . never seen one with a Dutch door before!
What a great idea!  

Don't you wish you were here with us?  You could be . . . we love company!

Little springs bring life to the Great Basin

Springs lead to streams . . . 
I could sit all day and listen to this babbling brook 

Bright yellow aspen branch . . .  a taste of Fall yet to come

Living in the desert we don't take water for granted

Not too sure how big this little tree will get . . . hmmm

This hillside will be gorgeous when the leaves show their fall colors

It's so quiet and peaceful in the forest . . . 
Except for an occasional deer or a trickling stream . . .
Welcoming sights in this crazy, busy world we live in . . . don't you think?!