Saturday, August 3, 2019

Rattlesnake Creek Trail & Mystery Lake

The summer monsoon season in the southwestern US runs from middle of June until the end of September, it can make hiking difficult.  The clouds build early afternoon and no one wants to be caught in the mountains during a storm; it's just too dangerous with heavy rain, thunder and lightning possible.  Recently, Kent spotted an unnamed lake on Google Earth up near Cedar Breaks; the next day we were on our way to find Mystery Lake!  The clouds were building and we could see rain off in the distance, fortunately we only got sprinkled on and it was refreshing! 

Starting out on the trail just north of Cedar Breaks National Monument . . .
the fence marks the Park's boundary

We get a nice view of Brian Head Peak off to our right 

Early on we get . . . a glimpse of Cedar Breaks!

Kent & Andrew walked right past these . . .
  not me, I saw them right away!

It was fun to come across a few Sego Lily's . . . they are the state flower of Utah

We've come this far and haven't seen anyone else on the trail . . .yet!
Kent is looking for Mystery Lake, he thinks we missed our turnoff

After checking Google Earth on our cell phone we turned around  

Then it was time to get off the trail and head in a direction
 we thought the lake might be located . . . the forest was littered with downfalls!

Woo-hoo!  We found Mystery Lake . . . Then the mosquitoes found us!
We hightailed it out of there!  Mosquito Lake might be a better name!

Colorful fungi growing on a dead fall

Cluster of mushrooms clinging to the bark of an aspen deadfall

It was refreshing hiking through the aspen and fir forest,
 the vegetation was lush and up to our waist 

On the way back to the trailhead we stopped to take in another view of Cedar Breaks

Almost back to the car . . . we hiked about 3 miles round trip 

Beautiful clusters of Rydberg's Penstemon below Brian Head Peak
Wildflowers were abundant on the drive to the top
Blue Columbine . . . so pretty!

Yes, it's August but, there's still snow!

Anyone can drive up to Brian Head Peak,
it's the easiest way to bag a peak! 

Kent is showing Andrew the area where Mystery Lake is located

What a great way to end a fun day in the outdoors, it was about 60 degrees!