Saturday, April 27, 2019

Crystal Geyser

If you are passing through Green River, Utah and need a break from Interstate 70, then a short diversion to Crystal Geyser just might be for you.  Located on the Green River, and just five miles south of town, this interesting side trip will allow you to view one of the rare cold water geysers in the world.  The geyser was created in 1935 when a drilling firm was exploring an ancient spring deposit looking for oil. They tapped into water at 50 feet and then at a lower layer carbon dioxide.  It is interesting that John Wesley Powell noted the old spring deposits in his journals during his 1869 exploration of the Green River.  Full eruptions of up to 60 feet are rare and can occur anywhere from once a day to once every eight hours.  Are you feeling lucky?  If so click here for directions to this unique roadside attraction.

Crystal Geyser is located on the banks of the Green River

The geyser gurgled and burbled about every 15 seconds
We eagerly anticipated a major eruption . . . but no such luck!

My suggestion . . . put on a pair of flip flops and enjoy the cool water while you wait

At times, it kind of looks like a soda fountain

Just a couple of tourists doing what they do best . . . taking a selfie!

Below the geyser, and right before it drops into the Green River, are some interesting mineral flowstones

An hour later we were still waiting for the big one . . . 
guess we'll have to come back another day!