Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Vortex

It's known as the Vortex.  This swirled bowl is located at the top of a sandstone ridge and was most likely formed by a vortex of water and wind.  It is quite unique and worth seeing, especially since it's not a hard hike or a long one . . . as long as you know where you are headed!  No kidding, many people have gone looking for the Vortex and after several hours go home defeated.

A cold, but sunny day for a hike with Bruce and his family who are visiting from Texas

Before long we we were up on top

The snow covered Pine Valley Mountains make a nice contrast with the red rocks

The Vortex often has water in the bottom, today it's frozen!

Nancy takes a picture of Chris and James, who are on the north side of the Vortex

The sandstone looks like elephant skin

Chris has his eye on the camel-back formation directly in front of him

They say there's nothing quite like this in Texas . . .
now it's James turn to join his dad up on the hump

Here we are!
Kent & Allison
Matt, James, Chris, Nancy and Bruce 

Heading back to the trailhead through the slickrock valley

Just because it's cold doesn't mean you can't go for a hike!
So get on out there!