Saturday, November 24, 2018

Blake-Gubler Trail

Although we have lived in Southwest Utah for several years we haven't spent much time in the Pine Valley Mountains, but we see them everyday.  The mountain range is rather impressive as it stands out among the red rocks; in fact it is the largest Laccolith (where magma pushes a mountain up, but it never reaches the surface to explode as a volcano) in the United States.  So here we are, for the second week in a row exploring a new trail; only this time we're on the sunny side!

Starting out on the Blake-Gubler Trail

Wow, great views showing the Laccolith (known as the Pine Valley Mountains)
resting on top of the Claron Formation

The scenery changed quickly

Kind of looks like we could be on the moon

Our first peek of fresh snow that fell on Thanksgiving

Do you see the little window?

Views to the south and west  

We think we are almost to the top!

The trail is quite brushy . . . shorts not recommended

Mary enjoying the views along the way

Chipper, AKA Photo-bomber!

 Mary, John, Kent, Allison and Chipper

Looking north towards Burger Peak (10,321) from the high saddle on the trail
The trail continues on up this valley and intersects with the Forsyth/Summit Trail
We turned around here and will finish the trail another day

The Pine Valley Mountains cover a huge area, that's Saddle Mountain (9,111) in the distance

Time to head back down

We enjoyed a short break here, a neat spot for exploring
Reminded us of our trip to the Chiracuhua Mountains in Arizona

Hollywood would have a hard time replicating this . . . fingers, towers, pinnacles and spires!

Passing through a change of seasons

The Pine Valley Mountains are quite rugged in places

Approaching the last of the crags . . . we have almost come full circle from where we started

The Blake-Gubler Trail offers spectacular scenery.
If you are looking for a trail that is less traveled . . .
this is the hike for you!

Aerial view of Blake-Gubler Trail (2.5 miles one-way)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Forsyth Canyon

It's the middle of November, it's cold and we're heading out to hike in the the Pine Valley Mountains.  Forsyth Canyon is new to us, but we jumped at the chance when Darrell invited us to join him.  Little did we know how shady and cold it would be, but oh so worth it.         

We are excited about today's hike 

It's a rather chilly morning . . . in the low 30's

We knew it was cold . . . burr!

A little further up the trail Forsyth Creek was flowing!

We crossed the creek about 5 times each way

As the trail climbs, high cliffs begin to appear 

We have been in the shade all morning longing for some sun

Remnants of Fall carpet the trail

About 2 1/2 miles up the trail we met up with our friend, John

We passed through some neat rock formations  

We enjoyed talking with two trail runners, they came up the Blake-Gubler Trail

Chipper likes to hike and he loves snack time

Darrell, Allison, Kent, John and Chipper at the end of the Forsyth Trail
From here you can continue north on the Summit Trail or south on Blake - Gubler

I cannot wait to come back in the summer and fall to see the leaves on the trees

Fungi growing on a dead pine tree

The Forsyth Trail is heavily forested preventing mountain views of the valley below

Rock outcroppings appeared frequently in the higher elevations

A peaceful creek . . . love the sound of trickling water

The sun is setting over the top of the mountain

Heading down towards the trailhead

We were fortunate to see a few fall colors

We are back to where we started, 10 miles and 6 hours later!
(Even Chipper was intrigued as to where we had been)

Aerial view of Forsyth Trail

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Hoodoo City

This isn't really a hike, but more of a fun place to explore and don't be surprised if you're the only ones there! 

Hoodoo City is visible from the Zion Kolob Reservoir Road
It can easily be accessed from the Hop Valley trailhead

Within minutes we were in Hoodoo land

Fun formations, here's a little window

This one looks like a handle

Looks like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, if only I had a red ornament

The Hop Valley trail heads towards Kolob Canyons and passes by Red Butte

This is a wall, which might eventually erode enough to form a hoodoo

Not sure what to call this, a mini window

These hoodoos make a nice contrast with Spendlove Knoll in the background

Hoodoo City was fun to explore and we had it all to ourselves,
 on a Saturday afternoon!

Here is another wall just waiting to become a hoodoo

Turkey tracks and it's so close to Thanksgiving!