Friday, September 21, 2018

Mt. Tomasaki

Mt. Tomasaki is the final "T" according to Kent, you say what?  Over the years, Kent has made a list of dream peaks (Mt. Tuk, Taft Peak and Tomasaki) he thinks we should, or need to summit, and Tomasaki is the last "big" one.  We could not have picked a better day for our hike, the temperature was perfect and the aspens were amazing.  The La Sal mountains are beautiful and it was fun share this experience with John and Mary. 

Driving on the Geyser Pass Road towards Burro Pass . . .
Mt. Tomasaki straight ahead!

Best campsite view ever!
(That's Mann's Peak . . . we climbed in 2016)

In the evening the aspens glowed like they were on fire

The La Sal Mountains are especially stunning in the Fall
(Looking south towards Mt. Peale & Mt. Mellenthin)

Yes, we slept in our tent!

Just look at our view . . . wow!

Working our way up the Burro Pass trail . . . that's Mt. Tomasaki

It took almost an hour to reach the Pass, now we'll be on our own  

We were the only hikers on the trail, unless you call a person pushing a bike up the trail a hiker . . .
and there were a few of those!

We continue on . . . 

Kent and John planning out the best route . . . there is no trail going forward
(we needed to find a way around Mann's Peak so we didn't have to summit it as well)

We worked our way along the side of a ridge

We have arrived at the base of Mt. Tomasaki . . . it's intimidating!

Kent starts up towards the top . . . John and I follow

One step at a time . . . very carefully

Mary, was probably the smart one; she watched us from below with her binoculars

Our first view from the top!
Looking north towards Mann's Peak (12,272) and Mt. Waas (12,331) in the distance

Wow, just gorgeous!

Kent, Allison and John on top of Mt. Tomasaki
 We climbed 1,800 ft to an elevation of 12,239 ft

Enjoying the views in all directions

Looking west towards the Burro Pass trail
Haystack Peak (11,641) is in the background

Time to head back down

It's easier said then done

Since there was no trail, we decided to hike down through this gully . . . 
it proved to be very steep and slick

We stopped for a pose by the "WE" sign
"WE" stands for Whole Enchilada, it's a mountain bike trail

Heading back to our campsite in the aspens

What a mountain!  What a great hike!

Here's an aerial view of our route . . .
Red shows our ascent of Mann's Peak in 2016
Teal shows the route we took for Mt. Tomasaki