Saturday, September 8, 2018

Lake Peak

There's just something special about the Tushar Mountains, yet very few people have ever heard of them.  Last month we hiked a section of the Skyline National Recreation Trail; when Kent saw Lake Peak I knew I was doomed . . . and now I can say, mission accomplished!

On our way to Lake Peak . . .Kent, Gary & Susan
This was the first time Chipper and Kobe have hiked together

Chipper leads the way

Back in the 1920's sheep overgrazed this area,
trenches were dug in the 1940's to aid in erosion control and water retention

That's Lake Peak (11,310) on the right

Lake Peak is so close we can almost touch it . . . it's about 200 ft. up the to top

  September means Fall is on the horizon,  
that's City Creek Peak (11,181) in the distance . . . a hike for another day!

Great views from the top of Lake Peak, that's Puffer Lake in the distance

Chipper is becoming quite the hiking dog

It's fun to read what people write in the peak registry

Here we are on top! 
 It always feels good to bag a peak, no matter how big or small   

A little over a year ago we hiked up Mt. Holly (11,985) it was Chippers first hike!

Heading back into the forest towards the Trailhead

We saw a few of these arrows carved into the trees to keep us going in the right direction

Chipper really knows how to enjoy a cool drink from Lake Creek 

We stopped at Puffer Lake after the hike.
Lake Peak is the pointed peak in the center

Aspens changing in Merchant Valley on our way back to Beaver