Saturday, September 29, 2018

City Creek Peak

Here it is near the end of September and we are back hiking in the Tushar Mountains once again.  We spotted City Creek Peak while hiking the Skyline National Recreation Trail in early August and once Kent sees a "new" peak, it's "game on!"

It was late September, the aspen leaves were just hanging on . . .  

The higher we hiked in elevation, the yellow leaves began to disappear

Here we left the Skyline Trail and made our way towards City Creek Peak 

The wind was really blowing on top of the peak . . .
so nice to see a Peak Registry that could pass the wind test! 

Allison, Andrew and Kent with Chipper on City Creek Peak

A reward for a good hike

Great views from 11,165 ft elevation on City Creek Peak

We spotted this volcanic boulder covered with colorful lichen 

Time to head back down, we are getting hungry

Looking east towards HWY 89 and Junction, Utah

City Creek Peak is just above Kent's head

Back in the colorful aspens means were almost back to the trailhead

We have a habit of celebrating our Tushar Mountain hikes here, and so should you!