Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Skyline National Recreation Trail

Sometimes life gets in the way.  It has been 5 months since our last real adventure, because that's exactly what has happened.  We are excited to get back out there!  It's been a hot summer with fires all over the western states, Utah included.  We took our chances and headed north to the Tushar Mountains east of Beaver hoping to escape the smoke.  A year ago we hiked up Mt. Holly and discovered the Skyline National Recreational Trail; here we are 1 year later to hike a section of the trail.   

We met up at the Skyline Lodge at Eagle Point Ski Area near Beaver. 
 We left a car here and shuttled to the Big Flat Trailhead, so we didn't have to back track.

Views of the grassy meadow at the Big Flat Trailhead at 10,000 ft. elevation

The trail begins just beyond the trees

Despite the drought, recent rains bring forth mushrooms 

After walking through the thick forest this is our first viewpoint
 looking towards North Fork of City Creek, it's a little smoky from the fires. 

Though poisonous, Toadstools are always fun to come across on in the forest

Doesn't this look refreshing?   

There are several trails that intersect the Skyline Trail, be sure to take a map

Taking a scenery break; that's Mt. Holly with Lake Peak in the foreground

We had to check the map often just to make sure we were on the right trail

Now we know we are on the right trail

We are approaching a nice meadow near the base of Mt. Holly

I spotted these White Marsh Marigold growing in the lush grass near Lake Stream

Lake Stream flows into Puffer Lake

Chipper had a great time on this hike 

Here we are . . . Mary, John, Kent and Allison

Heading back down the trail. Notice the smoke in the distance, we are above the smoke!

That's Lake Peak . . .  a hike for another day.
 If Kent has his way, it will be sooner than later! 

An old boardwalk in need of repair keeps our feet dry from the seeping hillside

 John & Mary work their way out of this "trench" that is going
to be used for a snowmaking system at Eagle Point Ski Resort.
 All in all, we hiked about 7 miles from Big Flat one-way back to the Skyline Lodge.
Climbing out of this "trench" reminds me
of what we've overcome "when life gets in the way."