Friday, March 2, 2018

The Wave

It's kind of like winning the lottery, in fact that's exactly what it is . . . winning a lottery!  You won't get rich as far as, money goes, but you will indeed feel like royalty.  Obtaining a hiking permit for Coyote Buttes North is one of the most sought after pieces of paper around, because it's the only way you can experience The Wave.  Last year 160,000 people applied for 7,300 permits . . . only 20 people a day win the lottery!    

Bruce holding our coveted hiking permit for Coyote Buttes North 

The Wire Pass Trailhead is located half-way between Page, AZ and Kanab, UT

We started out in the Coyote Wash

We stopped here to check the map, there is no trail;
just landmarks like buttes, gaps and a crack in the ridge to lead the way

Anticipation builds as we get closer to The Wave!

We hiked through sand and over slickrock the entire 7 miles coming and going 

Our first glimpse of color

So many different colors, shapes and textures of sandstone

Kent and Chipper enjoying The Wave

Top Rock Arch overlooks The Wave

Colorful designs in the curves of a Slot

We passed through this sandy Slot

What a privilege to experience this place

20 people a day is just about right; 
at times like this we had The Wave all to ourselves


We found a comfortable spot for lunch with the best view ever!
 Even Chipper seemed to enjoy it.

Bruce, John, Kent and Chipper in The Wave

Here we are in The Wave!

We headed to the west toward the Second Wave in search of more formations

Such vibrant colors in the sandstone, it almost looks like fabric

It's impossible to see it all in one day

Sand Cove

John and I working our way north to meet up with Kent and Bruce

Heading back to the Trailhead

We made it!  What an amazing hike!