Saturday, November 25, 2017

Yellow Man

It was a beautiful day for a hike.  We had heard about Yellow Man, a pictograph east of Apple Valley, Utah, but didn't know exactly where it was.  After a little research we set out to explore the area.  A 4-wheel drive vehicle isn't necessary unless you want to drive to the end of the road where Yellow Man is located.   

If you pass by this windmill you are on the right road

Apparently someone lived here at one time

Christmas is just around the corner, if only we had a star

The alcove where Yellow Man pictograph and some petroglyphs can be found

Yellow Man

It's late November and these leaves are still hanging in there

Looking back towards Yellow Man

Taking a much deserved break, Chipper had a blast exploring the area with us

Our view to the south

Great views of Zion National Park,
 as we continued on the Smithsonian Butte Back Country Byway

The Rockville Bridge is a one lane bridge

The Virgin River flows under the bridge on its way to Nevada and Arizona