Saturday, October 7, 2017

Uinta Peak in the Schell Creek Range

One peak leads to another especially in the Schell Range of Nevada.  A year ago today we hiked up South Schell Peak and Taft Peak caught Kent's eye.  I knew sooner or later he'd have the "perfect" route mapped out.  Not only that, he invited a friend along and he said, "yes!" 

It might be hunting season, but these does have nothing to fear

After a cold start we stopped to switch jackets

We were not expecting to see snow!

This is the last tree, we must be above the timberline.
Do you see Kent leading the way? 

Wow, we made it to the top of the basin!
Great views, including North Schell Peak (11,884) which we hiked in 2014

Here we are on the saddle that divides Berry Creek Basin and Timber Creek Basin 

Kent and John enjoying the view of South Schell Peak (11,778) . . .
interestingly enough we hiked to the top one year ago today!

And to think that after hiking up the snowy ridge we still have to go UP!

Kent and John lead the way 

Once we reached the ridge the wind became brutal
Uinta Peak's elevation is 11,545

We stopped at Uinta Peak for lunch, the wind was relentless.
Although Taft Peak (11,706) was our destination we are calling it a day!

It was hard to stand, let alone walk

I sunk in up to my knees in the snow drifts.
We had to lean into the wind, it was strong enough to push us over! 

Heading back down Timber Creek drainage and out of the wind

The snow was slick

Straight up 500 ft. in 2/10 of a mile . . . whew!

Ah . . . feels so good to be out of the snow!

John crossing Timber Creek one last time . . . the end of a great hike
Aerial view of our route