Saturday, August 5, 2017

Mt. Holly

There is a hidden gem full of recreational opportunities in Southwestern Utah, it's called the Tushar Mountains, just east of Beaver.  There are lakes and streams to fish, places to camp and mountains to climb.  The Tushar range is the third tallest in Utah encompassing an area roughly 30 miles long and 20 miles wide.  With 15 named high points ranging from 10,972 to 12,173 it's hard to believe that the area remains relatively unknown.   If you're looking to escape the crowds head for the Tushars, you won't be disappointed.  

Saturday morning we (Yvonne, Kent & Allison) started out on the Mt. Holly trail near
 the Skyline Lodge at Eagle Point Ski Resort. The trail does not go to the top, but it's easy to find your way 

Great views and lush scenery from the get-go 

There's just something about being in the mountains

The wildflowers were abundant

Holy cow!  So glad that's not a bear!

This mushroom looks like a pancake

Lots of rain means mushrooms!

We were surprised to find little streams flowing

Colorful Delphinium or Larkspur

Chipper, our new puppy enjoyed his first hike
(Chipper is six months old)

 Delano Peak is the highest peak in the Tushars at 12,173 ft.

Chipper leads the way, look at that snow!

That's Mt. Baldy (12,122 ft) in the distance

White Topaz Crystals I found along this section of trail

Looking back towards the trailhead 

Although we reached 11,900 it's still not the tippy top of Mt. Holly,
but with the storm clouds hovering above we are calling it good and playing it safe!

Chipper having a little snack and a well deserved rest

Since the storm clouds were moving in we took a quick lunch break 

Puffer Lake is in the distance and a few of the ski runs at Eagle Point

All the way up and all they way down, great views in every direction

The wildflowers were really beautiful
Lake Peak at 11,310 ft is in the background

 We hiked 4.1 miles with a 1500 ft. elevation gain

We made it back before the rain!

Aerial view of the route we took

Kent couldn't resist fishing Merchant Creek at the muddy confluence of Three Creeks,
the trout won, he didn't catch anything!