Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dead and Porcupine Lakes

Where we live in Southern Utah it can get quite warm in the summer, but we can quickly escape to the high country and cool off.  Saturday, we decided to go exploring for two lakes, Dead & Porcupine, that we recently discovered on a Game & Fish map.  They are both located off a road that has no signage that would alert anyone to their existence - which meant, of course, that we needed to go find them!  When we arrived it was a cloudy 65 degrees, but soon the sun came out making for a perfect day.   

Colorful wild flowers along HWY 143

Dead Lake ... what a name for such a pretty place!

Nice & cool .... just the perfect temperature for us.

Wild geranium

Fungi from the recent rains

Dead Lake certainly isn't dead ... it's alive with Rainbow trout

We hope to come back in the Fall when the aspens are changing

Porcupine Lake 

Kent was excited to catch this Brook trout at Porcupine Lake
We had the whole place to ourselves on a Saturday!

One more to go and he'll reach his limit for the day

Sunday dinner, three brookies and a rainbow

Another view of the lake from the other side

Here we are ... enjoying the great outdoors!

This creek flows into Porcupine Lake

This butterfly was enjoying the flowers 

I can almost hear the song, "The Fishin' Hole" from the Andy Griffith Show

The road we traveled had very little "mooving" traffic on it 

Brian Head Peak, you can drive to the top 

We had to stop and check out the interesting formations in Parowan Canyon

Looks like a tunnel up ahead

We passed through to the other side

Iron oxide streaks in the sandstone

We spotted this horny toad at the end of our journey