Saturday, May 14, 2016

Willis Creek and Stone Hearth Grille

Willis Creek was our next stop; it's a short two-mile drive from Bull Valley Gorge.  This slot canyon is an easy enjoyable hike, there are no obstacles other than a stream.  You will get your feet wet! The stream follows a stony stream-bed as it meanders through the slot, be sure to watch for the waterfalls. Willis Creek offers narrow sections of beautifully eroded and curvy sandstone walls. The narrows open out and then gradually deepen again, continue on as there's more to see.

The main reason for visiting Bull Valley Gorge and Willis Creek was of course to hike both of these slot canyons....and to have dinner at the Stone Hearth Grille in Tropic.  Our friend Michael works here and he invited us over for dinner.  We enjoyed the whole dining experience, the atmosphere with views of Powell Point, the freshly prepared entrees were amazing and the dessert topped if off. Thanks again Michael!    

After leaving Bull Valley Gorge we're on our way to Willis Creek

Willis Creek is easy to find and there's plenty of parking spots

The water is warm and feels good on our feet

Here we are in Willis Creek

Let the slot begin...

Nice little waterfall


Willis Creek is a perennial stream 

Water-worn walls of Willis Creek

Definitely different than Bull Valley Gorge, but still worth visiting 

Sculpted by water

It narrows and widens

We're starting to get hungry....we can't wait for dinner!

For a Saturday, it was pretty quiet

Don't forget to look up when you visit Willis or Bull Valley Gorge

Willis Creek is an easy hike for just about anyone who's not afraid to get their feet wet

Heading back towards the beginning

Another waterfall

Powell Point off in the distance

On our way to Cannonville

Stone Hearth Grille in Tropic offers a dining experience like no other!

Michael started us off with this yummy Risotto appetizer, I can still taste it!

Tender Filet of Beef, Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Yukon Gold Potato Puree...the best!

Seared & Baked Salmon with Orange Fennel Salad and Chive Spä good!

Now....for the main event....Chocolate Torte for Kent

Carrot Cake....I could taste the butter in the frosting...a perfect ending to a great meal

Storm brewing near Kanarraville on the way home

A few sprinkles and a rainbow.....