Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Squirrel Hunter

This morning some friends (Mary, Natasha, Chaya & Joshua) from church came over to see our yard and check out the fruit trees. Tahoe was loving the attention, he especially had fun showing them his blankies. He just loves people!

While we were out in the yard two other couples (Jeff, Susie, Lynn & Jim) from church stopped by, they were here to get some pecans to take to Wisconsin.  We all enjoyed visiting while we walked around the yard.  Tahoe was beside himself .... more people!

Mary treated Natasha and her kids and me to lunch at the The Main Street Cafe; it's been years since I've eaten there and it was good!  Thanks Mary, that was fun!

As I was walking towards the house I could hear Tahoe barking in the garage, something was wrong ... this isn't normal.  I found him barking at the locker, so I got down on the floor and looked around there was nothing there.  I grabbed a flashlight and looked once more and there behind the locker pinned against the wall was this tiny squirrel!  Tahoe, the squirrel hunter!

When I returned home from lunch,
I found Tahoe in the garage barking at the locker in the corner

This little guy was pinned between the locker and the wall, he was frightened

I finally coaxed him outside with my blower

He wasn't about to run off, so I decided to cage him in this bucket ... for his own safety!

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