Saturday, May 7, 2016

Back Yard Ramblings and Then Some

This is my first actual post on our new Blog.  We began this blog, because Google is making changes to Picasa, (the site we were using) and we didn't want to lose all of our travel journals. We hope to inspire and educate people about some of the neat places we have found over the past few years.

In February I had some major eye surgery and with it came a lot of restrictions.  I'm not one to be idle, so it was a hard time for me.  I did as much as I could without getting myself into trouble.  I even managed to take a few pictures around the yard, Spring just begs me to get outside with my camera.  We also set out to explore a few places nearby and spend time with friends from Arizona. My eye surgery sort of opened up a "can of worms, " as they say.  Long story short, we recently learned that I was born with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve (simply means I only have 2 leaflets that regulate blood flow from the heart, instead of 3 so my heart has to work harder). . . which explains why I always have to stop and catch my breath on hikes, while Kent just plods along! Needless to say, we are more than ready to get out and do more exploring . . . we'll do our best to keep you posted.       

The Lenten Rose or Hellebore comes alive in February, a fun and unusual plant

The blooms last for several months

The middle of February Kent dethatched the front and back yards, I carefully raked up the thatch, since I recently had eye surgery

Tahoe patiently waits and watches the progress with his blankie

We ended up with 16 large bags of thatch

In March our Red Haven Peach trees pretty!

It's hard to believe that just a month ago I had major eye surgery

This was our 2nd year to watch Kelsey play at the Fastpitch Tournament, 
we had fun visiting with Jim & Gail Johnson from Flagstaff  

Things are greening up and coming alive.....Spring is here!

We decided to explore the new Gould's Wash Trail, it's not far from our house 

It was a warm April day, Globe Mallow were in bloom along the trail

One day we noticed this bridge on the hillside and then we heard about the trail.....

View of our Hurricane Valley

We took a drive to Kanarraville a few weeks ago

We had no idea this was part of Zion!

Camp Creek is what caught our attention

We were not expecting to see a waterfall 

We're not sure where it starts, or if it flows year round

Remnants of an old irrigation canal

I've been "hugged".....Shari, one of my exercise buddies
 left one on each of our cars the other day...what a fun surprise!

Four beautiful Robin eggs in our Bradford Pear, the nest is only about 4 ft. off the ground!

Within a few weeks...... we now have babies!

Tahoe loves his blankies, sometimes the fuzz gets in his teeth

Diamond Rio...yesterday in St. George....a free concert!
 Dan Truman, the keyboardist is from St. George

Our yard is looking better than ever, dethatching was a good thing to do!

My columbine are in full bloom

The garden is coming along, even with our cooler than usual spring weather 

I've picked three bowls of strawberries this week....they are so sweet!

The neighbors goats love anything we give them and we love them, too!

I'm feeling good!