Saturday, March 21, 2015

Water Canyon, Top Rock, White Domes & Hoodoos

Saturday we headed for Water Canyon which is located about 25 miles east of Hurricane. It's rather remote and few people have ever heard of it. It is a moderately strenuous hike with lots of up, kidding! Bruce Pitts, a friend from church who is a part-time St.George/Alberta, Canada resident wanted us to take him there. His daughter Karen & husband Bruce were visiting so they were excited to come along. Yes, there are two "Bruce's" on this hike. Water Canyon is a narrow slot canyon with a crystal clear stream cascading out of the sandstone. From there we traversed several switchbacks up the mountainside to the rim. Once up on top we decided to head for the White Domes; there is no real trail. We followed a sandy wash then walked the colorful slickrock in the direction of the domes. We reached the Canaan Mountain plateau upon where the White Domes are located; one look at the view and we were in awe....the most amazing view of Zion and it just took, one step at a time.

Water Canyon Arch 1,000 ft. above the canyon floor

Towering sandstone cliffs

This permanent stream supplies water for Hildale & Colorado City

Kent & Bruce entering Water Canyon

Bruce doing his squats

Waterfalls cascading down the slickrock

Looking back to where we came from

This is the way up to Canaan Mountain

Taking a break, the trail has lots of UP, UP

Colorful plants...Bruce decided not to continue on with us, like I said, it's a strenuous hike; he did awesome and made it to Water Canyon!  If only I can be like you one day......way to go Bruce!

Bruce helping Karen up a ledge, it's just the 4 of us now.....

We are now out of Water Canyon

No real trail, just working our way towards the slickrock

Kent found out there was quicksand in this area

Heading towards Canaan Mountain

We are getting closer to the White Domes

The White Domes really stand out against the red, orange & yellow sandstone formations

It was fun walking around on these domes

So pretty

Can you spot Bruce, Karen & Kent?

They call this The White Wave......we had the whole place to ourselves

Something different in every direction

What a great place to have lunch

Bruce, Karen, me & Kent

Awesome views of Zion and beyond

We made it to the White Domes.....yea!

Totally worth it for a view like!

Layer upon layer

Such an awesome place & very few people ever see this

Unbelievable colors

Pine tree growing out of the sandstone

Unique colorful formations

 Heading back towards Water Canyon

Moqui balls galore......iron oxide concretions found in the Navajo sandstone

We walked on slickrock most of the way to & from the White Domes

Sandstone layers

It's unusual to see so little snow this time of year

Our last peek of Water Canyon Narrows before hiking out of the canyon