Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pagosa Springs

Colorado has been a favorite destination of ours for many years, especially Pagosa Springs. In recent years we have hiked and fished throughout the San Juan Mountains. We just spent a few days in the La Sal Mountains of Utah before heading to Colorado. We are creatures of comfort so we went from our Utah cabin to our Colorado condo, combine that with the great outdoors for the perfect getaway. We had a nice visit in Ouray with our friend, Jeannine; dinner in Pagosa with Fred, Debbie & Duke Sutton. We hiked into Quartz Lake, with amazing 360 degree views & got caught in a hail storm. What an adventure! Dinner at Ramon's followed by the Hot Springs and we were good to go!

Although this is Colorado's motto, I would have to say Utah ranks right up there, too

This place is 133 years old, bet it has some stories to tell

Ouray County Courthouse
Getting together with Jeannine, she's the County Treasurer

Lunch on the rooftop deck at Ouray Brewing Company

The original courthouse built in 1888

A few scenes from True Grit were filmed here in 1968

Heading out of Ouray

Red Mountain & the Yankee Girl Mine

I liked the chalk drawings in the windows

The Silverton area had a lot of Fall colors

Cold Bank Pass

These turkeys were in no hurry to get out of the way

This is where we begin our hike into Quartz Lake

This coyote was a little startled when he saw us on the trail

It's nice to have an actual trail, which is not always the case

I love seeing colorful flowers this late in the summer

We liked this part . . . nice and level

Up on the ridge

We had great views on the entire hike

Kent was feeling a little goofy

Look closely Kent is pointing the way

We've reached the Notch

The mountains seem to go on forever in every direction

So far we have gained 2,400 ft in elevation

Looking south

So this is the way to Quartz Lake?

We are slowly descending, which means we must climb back up

There it is . . . Quartz Lake

The lake is at 11,500 ft.

We have come 4.7 miles and we still have to hike back out

This little buck kept an eye on us

Aerial view of the Quartz Lake Trail

Fishing Williams Creek north of Pagosa Springs

I have a hard time passing up on wildflower photo opps

Four Mile Creek was cold, it made my bones tickle

The trout were small, but fun to catch

A short hike to fish one last stream

Kent had a blast fishing the streams

The water was crystal clear

Last but not least . . . a Mocha to go from the Silver Bean in Cortez

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