Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2012 Oregon

It was time for a Family trip, so Kent and I headed to Oregon for Easter. It rained, snowed, hailed and then.....the sun came out! Yes, the sun does shine in Oregon! We took a few drives so Kent could reminisce his childhood days. Forrest took us along the Tickle Creek Trail in Sandy, after showing us his favorite places around town. Kent & I took advantage of a sunny day and enjoyed the sights on a 7 mile hike along Eagle Creek to High Bridge. The only time we all got together was to eat, of course! It was good to see everyone. Not our typical vacation, but fun none-the-less.

Forrest & Arelene's rental house in Sandy, Oregon

We made Forrest & Arelene a Birthday Candy Gram Card

Hotel St. Martin at Carson Hot Springs, once a popular place

Columbia Gorge Hotel built in 1921

Kent & Forrest enjoy the hotel grounds

What a pretty setting

Posing with the holly for Cousin Joy

It's spring time!

We walked this 1.8 mile trail, it runs through Sandy

Starting out on Bridge #5

The moss sure grows thick

Trillium were just starting to bloom

Tickle Creek runs along the trail

Trees of all sizes

Skunk cabbage grows along the creek

Not much sun reaches below the tree tops

Never forget  you cell phone and walking stick

Kris & Mike at Elmer's Restaurant

Dani & Johan

Ryan & Carla


Driving along the Historic Columbia River Highway

Our first sunny day, great day for a 7 mile hike

Here we go

Metlako Falls

A closer look at the 100 ft. Falls

Lots of bridges on the hike

Streams coming in everywhere

Punchbowl Falls

Deep pools located between Upper & Lower Punchbowl Falls

Lower Punchbowl Falls

Cool scenery

Pretty yellow flowers along the trail

Loowit Falls is located just before High Bridge

Approaching the bridge

The name says it all

Shadows of us on High Bridge while looking 120 ft. below to Eagle Creek

At High Bridge

It really is high!

On the way back from High Bridge

Moss adds character to the trees

Yes, we did get a bit wet on this hike

We enjoyed lunch in Troutdale after the hike

Our first glimpse of Mt. Hood from Jonsrud Viewpoint

Snowpacked Mt. Hood