Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Week on Rarotonga in the Cook Islands

Kent and I recently spent a week on Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. Rarotonga is located in the South Pacific. 2 flights and 11 hours later and we arrived at the Muri Beach Club Hotel. What a great place to stay, with a spa like feel...we were barefoot & fancy-free literally! We rented a scooter, which is the best way to get around the island. We had fun exploring the high jagged peaks, deep valleys and waterfalls through the jungle on the Cross Island Track. The island is surrounded with white sandy beaches and an aquamarine lagoon, making it easy to enjoy our favorite things… snorkeling and kayaking. Rarotonga is very tourist friendly; the locals are genuine and helpful; always smiling. Dogs and chickens roam the island from the sea to the mountaintops, as we discovered on our adventures. The Island setting of Rarotonga has a feeling of tranquility.....unlike we've ever experienced. Life is different a good way!

Where we are headed.....Rarotonga in The Cook Islands

Breakfast was served before we landed

The sun is just peeking through the clouds as we begin our descent

Our first glimpse of Rarotonga

Air New Zealand 767-300......what a nice way to travel

We don't feel as bad as we look.....really....even after 11 hours of flying

Love the New Zealand terminology

The drive to our hotel

We have arrived.....looks like Scooter Land

At the airport we received a lei and a water bottle

Our room at the Muri Beach Club Hotel

This is a beautiful hotel

Another view of the pool and courtyard area

Kent relaxing on the balcony

The beach in front of our hotel

Another view from our room

Barefoot & fancy-free.....even at breakfast 

These green-skinned oranges were so sweet & tasty

The beach at our hotel

Tai's weather rock at Avana Point

Dogs roam leash free on the island, it's fun to watch them look for fish

We spent a lot of time in the water

We walked the beaches

Lesson One: How to start the scooter

Lesson Two: You must pass a driving test

It's official, Kent has his favorite souvenir....a one year NZ Drivers License

Rarotonga is a Christian Island with lots of churches

We enjoyed the white sandy beaches which fringe most of the island

The coastal either go clockwise or anti-clockwise

The downtown area of Avarua on the north end of Rarotonga

Oh No, it's the Scooter Police

Downtown shopping

Beautiful tree outside of our favorite eatery Cafe Salsa

Flowers on the tree

One of the many schools

A colorful storefront

Chicken of the!

$16 Chicken sandwich at Trader Jacks......yum!

CICC church at Ngatangiia built of coral and lime


Ahoy there.....have you seen my snorkel?

Blue stars were a treat to see while snorkeling

Piccaso Triggerfish, they followed us while snorkeling

That's one big fish!

Convict Surgeonfish

It was neat to see the full moon over the water

The sign says it's a long way to anywhere

Rarotonga is nice place

While Kent was getting our scooter, the local dogs were doing their best....being lazy dogs!

Looking back towards our hotel

We had free use of the kayaks and we took advantage of it

The water is so clear you can walk out in the lagoon for quite a ways

We kayaked over to the nearest motu and walked around it

The rugby team doing their exercises

We spotted Lucy at our hotel, the only known Dalmatian on Rarotonga

Kent talking to Ken Kingsbury, Lucy's owner

The pedal boat Ken invented, Lucy loved the water

Ken had us take out his Treddlecat, it was fun

See how clear the water is as we peddle along

Each evening we sat on the beach to see the moon rise

This is how we clean the sand off our feet upon entering the hotel

Map for the Cross-Island Track

Wigmore's Waterfall.....the only place we saw mosquitos

The beginning of the trail

It was a trail of tree roots 

Into the jungle

We crossed a few streams

Pretty flowers scattered along the path

Another waterfall along the trail

Jungle flora

Looking towards the coast from a high ridge

A view of Te Rua Manga "The Needle" from a distance

The closest we got on this trek

The rope was necessary, the mud was quite slick

Interesting tree

More jungle flora

They call this tramping, we call it hiking

Pants were recommended.....a mistake, shorts are better 

Wigmore's Store.....after the hike we enjoyed a cold drink, yummy ice cream and hamburger from the fast food stand

A romantic seaside wedding spot

Kent and our "ride"......zoom, zoom!

Early evening on Muri Beach

The setting sun

Punangua Nui Market is held every Saturday morning

Lots of great fruit

In the distance the 1916 wreck of the Maitai..  It carried a shipment of Model T's

A closer look at the SS Maitai

We completed the Cross-Island Track in two parts, this time we wore shorts

Coconuts everywhere

Bananas were plentiful and super sweet

Pretty flora


Bird of Paradise


Time for a break, jungle tramping is different

Climbing the trail of tree roots

This curly stalk is a fern waiting to open

Our first peek at The Needle from this section of trail

Almost there

Looking back towards the ocean

The Needle up close and personal

The flora is thick in the mountains

These legs were made for tramping

It's very important to stay hydrated

The Guard Rooster, he appeared out of nowhere at the base of The Needle

Heading back down the trail

Kent come down from that tree

Wow!  Look at the size of this leaf!

After a hard days play

We took the kayak out again to check on the old shipwreck near our hotel

Low tide

Not much left and pieces scattered about

Pretty flowers near our hotel

Mementos from our trip