Saturday, October 13, 2012

Waiting on the Clouds at Northgate Peaks

It was a beautiful sunny day in Hurricane so we decided to head out for a hike to Northgate Peaks in the Kolob Terrace part of Zion National Park. However, when we arrived at the trailhead the clouds were hanging low, very low. Once we arrived at the viewpoint Kent decided we should hike up the East Northgate Peak, so off we went. On a clear day it would be spectacular, today the clouds were moving quickly so we did get some good views. We may have to return again one day, easy enough as it's only a 4 mile hike.

We started out on the Wildcat Canyon Trailhead in the Kolob Terrace part of Zion

The clouds are hanging low, we are hoping they will move out

We turn onto the Northgate Peaks Trail

Viewpoint from the end of the main trail

Looking at the East Northgate Peak, Kent thinks we should climb the peak

Rock cairns direct our path

The arrow is a big help, too

Up on top of the peak the clouds are still hanging around

It looks hopeful that it may clear up

North Guardian Angel

I've never seen such a green grasshopper before

Waiting for Kent

Wildcat Peak

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

25th Anniversary Adventure

On September 26th Kent and I celebrate our 25th Anniversary. Since our dating days we have enjoyed hikes and various outdoor activities, so much that the rest of our family probably thinks we are a little on the goofy side! We have been able to experience some of the most amazing places as a couple, and as a family with Andrew in tow. This past week we took a little celebration trip which included a couple of hikes and a scenic chairlift ride. Fall is our favorite season and we were treated to amazing colors everywhere we went. Come along with us and enjoy visiting Timpanogos Cave, the smooth Sundance chairlift ride and hiking up Wheeler Peak in the Great Basin National Park of Nevada. We look forward to many more years of adventures together as a couple.

Our first stop is Timpanogos Cave National Monument

To get to the Caves you have to hike a 1.5 mile trail

A beautiful Fall day

Looking towards Lone Peak

We are almost to the Cave entrance

The Utah Maples are bright red

We climbed 1,092 ft. to reach the Caves

In we go . . .

There are three caves

Stalactite illuminated by a flashlight


Stalactites and stalagmites

Nancy our guide, she lives in Riverton, Utah and she follows Hurricane Tiger Football

Great colors

Smoke from fires in Idaho hinder our visibility in the distance

Heading back down the trail

Through the upper gate

American Fork Canyon

A perfect day with very few cars

Mt. Timpanogos

Spring along the road

Our second stop was Sundance Resort

The colors were stunning

T-shirt weather

Perfect day for the scenic chairlift ride

Do you see Robert Redford?  Neither did we, he owns all of this

Fall colors dwarfed by the Wasatch Range

The ride was smooth

Our third stop was the Great Basin National Park in Nevada

Call us crazy and you are probably right

We are about to hike 8.6 miles round trip and climb 3,063 ft. to the Wheeler Peak Summit

The trail starts out in the aspens

A glimpse of where we are headed from along the trail

3.1 more miles to go, we have already covered 1.2 miles

We are moving right along on the easy section of trail; Stella Lake is visible from here

Climbing higher above the tree line

Teresa Lake is hidden in the trees

Talk about rocks!

This was the hardest section of the trail

We made it!  Unbelievable!  It took us 3.75 hours!

Wheeler Peak 13,063 ft.

Off with our packs, enjoying the summit

Looking towards Jeff Davis Peak

Kent enjoying the view

We met Randy from Des Moines, Iowa along the trail and invited him hike along with us

Great Basin has some rugged peaks and terrain

Looking back towards the lower section of trail

We passed Gene and Sharee on the trail.  They are 77 and 68 and they made it, too!

Us again, the crazy couple!

After enjoying some snacks it's time to head down

It took us 3 hours to hike down

It's hard to see, but there really is a trail through these rocks

Now we are headed in the right direction . . . down the mountain!

It looks so far away and yet so close

We enjoyed this part of the trail

Looking back to where we were gave us a sense of accomplishment

One last look at the Snake Range of the Great Basin

Aerial view of the Wheeler Peak Trail