Monday, July 11, 2011

Cedar Breaks Hiking & Wildflowers

Kent and I headed to the high country of Cedar Breaks National Monument today. It is peak season for the Wildflower Festival, with quite a variety in bloom. We hiked a few of the trails taking in the views of the colorful amphitheater. Located atop the Markagunt Plateau there was still snow visible in places. Cedar Breaks just opened two weeks ago due to the heavy winter snowfall. It was a fun day enjoying the cool 60 degree temperatures!

Cedar Breaks north entrance

Looking towards BrianHead Peak

The road we traveled

Lanceleaf Goldenweed

Chessmen Ridge view

We hiked to Spectra Point

Bristlecone pines

Cushion Phlox

Cedar Breaks is located in the high country

The Amphitheater


Alpine Pond

Visitor Center